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2020-03-15 14:04   美国新闻网   - 


White House Doctor: Donald Trump tests negative for new coronavirus

Speaking to reporters on Saturday, President Donald Trump said he had been tested by the 2019-ncov and was awaiting the final test results. Late Saturday, White House doctors said Donald Trump had tested negative.

All travel to Ireland and Britain will be suspended from midnight eastern time on Monday, Vice President Michel Pensée said at a news conference.

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin praised the House of Representatives for passing the bill on Saturday and said the next round of legislation would target the cruise, hotel and airline industries.


上一篇:美国召见中国驻美大使 就有关新冠病毒言论表示抗议
下一篇:担忧新冠病毒扩散 五角大楼禁止员工国内旅行




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