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担忧新冠病毒扩散 五角大楼禁止员工国内旅行

2020-03-15 14:11   美国新闻网   - 


Pentagon bans domestic travel for fear of spreading new coronavirus

Members of the Defense Department's Armed Forces, civilian employees and their families living in military-owned facilities will be barred from traveling within the country from Monday to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, the Pentagon announced Friday.

"Due to the continued spread of the 2019-ncov, immediate restrictions must be placed on the internal travel of the Department of Defense, " said a department of Defense memo signed by Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist.

The memorandum stipulates that travel restrictions will continue until 11 May. During this period, members of the service can only take local leave.

"these restrictions are necessary to maintain military readiness, to limit the continued spread of the virus and to safeguard the health and well-being of service members, Defense Department civilian employees and their families, as well as the local communities in which we live. "

The news came after President Donald Trump said in a televised address on Wednesday that travel from Europe to the United States would be suspended as the outbreak worsened, later clarifying that the restrictions would not apply to American citizens. The military has already felt the impact of the pandemic, as some branches have begun screening recruits for the virus, and U.S. participation in some military exercises has changed as a result of the outbreak.

In a statement on Friday, the Defense Department said that travel restrictions "will also suspend the recruitment of civilians at Defense Department facilities and branches if they are not in the recruiting entity's local commuter zone. "

The memo said, exceptions to certain travel restrictions would be "contingent" and would allow travel for medical reasons.

The department also announced new rules for those with access to the Pentagon beginning Monday. According to the department's second memo, the Pentagon will ban all unofficial and international visitors.

According to the memo, any military or government employees or contractors who have visited the country with the highest or second highest CDC alert in the past 14 days will not be allowed to enter the Pentagon.

The memo noted that public visits to the Pentagon would be "cancelled until further notice" , after similar measures were implemented by Congress and the White House.

"All large gatherings, such as retirement and promotion ceremonies, will be suspended, " the department said in a statement.


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