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2020-06-26 12:15   美国新闻网   - 

President Donald Trump is trying to boost his flagging re-election efforts in trying to make good on his 2016 campaign promises to restrict immigration to the United States.

On Monday President Trump signed further restrictive immigration policies by adding further limitations to his existing April 22 order to restrict new visas under the H-1B visas for highly skilled workers, H-2B guest-worker visas, J trainee visas and L intracompany transferee visas, along with those for their spouses, in order to allegedly free up 525,000 jobs for Americans.

The President claims that he is focusing on getting Americans back to work as part of Trump's "America First recovery."

Published on Monday evening, the visa suspension takes effect at 12:01 a.m. on June 24 and will only affect those outside the U.S. who do not already have valid visas. The existing restrictions on new green cards through the end of the year is also being extended.

The President wants debilitating alterations to the H-1B visa system by eliminating the annual lottery and replace it by awarding the 85,000 visa slots to those candidates offered the highest salaries. The U.S. Department of Labor is ordered to scrutinize the prevailing wage to ensure that H-1B visa holders be paid industry standard wages, to promote getting the best and the brightest.

It is unclear how the new limits on the H-1B visa will impact companies that won coveted visa slots in the March 2020 lottery to bring in workers this fall, especially if those workers have not yet arrived in the U.S.

Many immigration practitioners do not believe the restrictions will solve U.S. unemployment, noting that many employers and that these restrictions are short-sighted as it will hinder COVID-19's economic recovery and may move several industries abroad to remain competitive.

The limitations to the L-1 visa in particular, which allows international companies to send foreign executives to U.S. locations, or on the H-1B visa for workers in specialty occupations, will deter future investment in the U.S. that will slow down any recovery and reduce job creation.


唐纳德·特朗普总统(Donald Trump)为了连任正在积极努力地参加总统竞选,以兑现他在2016年竞选中提到的限制美国移民的承诺。




特朗普总统希望通过取消一年一度的工作签证抽签环节来改变H-1B签证系统,并且进一步采用直接向薪水最高的工作签证申请者发放85,000个签证来代替原有的工作签证抽签模式。美国劳工部将仔细审查现行工资,以确保向H -1B签证持有人支付业内标准工资,用以促进美国获得最优秀和最聪明的人才。









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