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美国会一众议员推定感染新冠肺炎 曾近距离接触佩洛西

2020-03-31 14:26   美国新闻网   - 


资料图:美国国会众议院议长佩洛西(中)。中新社记者 沙晗汀 摄






A U.S. congressman presumed to have had close contact with Pelosi with newly diagnosed pneumonia.

According to the "Central News Agency" report, on the 30th local time, U.S. Congressman Vilaguitz said that she had recently developed symptoms of newly crowned pneumonia and was confirmed as "presumed confirmed" after a doctor's telephone diagnosis.  It is reported that Vilaguez had close contact with House Speaker Pelosi three days ago.  Source: U.S. House Speaker Pelosi (center).  At present, the spread of new crown pneumonia in the United States has reached more than 160,000 confirmed cases nationwide.  On the 30th, Representative Vera Guiz, a Democratic Party member representing New York, issued a press release saying that she began to feel unwell in the early morning of the 29th. She not only suffered from muscle soreness, fever, nasal congestion and stomachache, but also could not smell the perfume on her body and was tasteless.  The 67-year-old Vilaguitz pointed out that after talking to the doctor on the phone, she was diagnosed as "presumed new coronavirus infection" and currently has mild symptoms. She is taking antipyretics and is isolated at home.  She said: "I will closely observe my symptoms.  I currently work remotely and keep in close contact with my subordinates.  "NBC News reported that House Speaker Pelosi was standing behind her when she signed the $2.2 trillion bailout plan in Congress three days ago.  Prior to this, five members of the US Congress have confirmed the newly crowned pneumonia, including Republican Representative Bharat, Democratic Representative mcadams, Republican Senator Paul, Republican Representative Kelly and Democratic Representative Cunningham.


上一篇:国际疫情:美国确诊超过16万例 意大利延长全国封锁




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