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美大选两党持续角逐 民调:拜登支持率领先特朗普9%

2020-03-30 15:50   美国新闻网   - 


资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄





      U.S. Election Two Parties Continue to Race in Polls: Biden Leading Trump by 9%

         According to the report of the Chinese Network of the United States, the latest opinion poll released by Fox News shows that Biden, the Democratic candidate and former Vice President in the 2020 election, has a 9% lead over Trump, the incumbent Republican president. Click to go to the next page. Source: US Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Biden. Photograph by Chen Mengtong, reporter of China News Agency According to opinion polls, Trump has 40% approval rating, while Biden has 49%. Another 11% said they had not decided or would vote for other candidates. In the February poll, Biden led Trump by 8%, with 49% to 41% support. At the same time, Biden leads Trump by 52% to 43% among voters who are "extremely interested in the election." In addition, Biden also has an 8% advantage in swing states, with 48% and 40% approval ratings for him and Trump respectively. In addition, Biden has a 25% advantage over Trump in the 2016 election, with his approval ratings of 57% and 32% respectively. It is reported that Fox News conducted a public opinion survey of 1011 randomly selected registered voters between March 21 and 24, with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.


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