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安慰号有大作用 将决定是否隔离纽约 川普3/28讲话摘要

2020-03-29 11:58   美国新闻网   - 

总统川普周六抵达维吉尼亚州诺福克市,为即将离港的安慰号(USNS Comfort)医疗舰送别并发表讲话。安慰号医疗舰预计周一将抵达纽约港。总统川普全程朗读演讲稿,没有进行自由发挥。

1.总统表示,安慰号(USNS Comfort)医疗舰的部署比原计划提前了几个星期,州长库默周一将到纽约港迎接医疗舰抵港。这艘重达7万吨的医疗舰上配备有12个手术室,1000张病床,一个医学实验室,一个药房,一个CAT扫描仪器,两个制氧间,还有一个直升机起降甲板。安慰号将负责治疗纽约地区非新冠患者,此举将有效地缓解当地的医疗系统压力并防止新冠病毒进一步传播。总统还表示海军的另一艘医疗舰“慈悲”(Mercy)号周五已经抵达洛杉矶港,穿上为洛杉矶地区的医院提供医疗援助。
5.川普说自己已经援引《国防生产法》 命令通用汽车等公司生产呼吸机, 联邦政府下了大额订单订购呼吸机等医疗设备。他称赞了3M,霍尼韦尔等公司为抗疫提供了大批医疗设备。同时他表示波音公司的货机将协助联邦政府把急需的医疗物资运到疫情严重的地区。

Consolation has big role in deciding whether to isolate New York Trump 3/28 speech summary

President Trump arrived in Norfolk, Virginia on Saturday to bid farewell to and deliver a speech on the departing USS Comfort medical ship. The USS Comfort is expected to arrive in New York Harbor on Monday. President Trump read the speech aloud the whole time and did not play freely.

1. The President stated that the deployment of the USNS Comfort medical ship was several weeks ahead of schedule, and Governor Cuomo will arrive in New York Harbor on Monday to welcome the medical ship to the port. The 70,000-ton medical ship is equipped with 12 operating rooms, 1,000 hospital beds, a medical laboratory, a pharmacy, a CAT scanning instrument, two oxygen chambers, and a helicopter landing deck. Comfort will be responsible for treating non-Crown Crown patients in the New York area, a move that will effectively ease the pressure on the local medical system and prevent further spread of the Crown Virus. The president also said that another Navy navy medical ship, Mercy, had arrived in the Port of Los Angeles on Friday, putting on medical assistance to hospitals in the Los Angeles area.
2. At the farewell ceremony, President Trump reiterated that he would make a "soon" decision to isolate New York, New Jersey, and parts of Connecticut to help fight the new coronavirus. In his speech, Trump stated that "quarantine does not apply to truckers outside New York. They are only responsible for transporting goods or transit. Isolation measures will not affect trade. At the same time, he quoted the CDC, calling on all passengers from New York to the states to self-isolate. 14 days.
3. President Trump also shared the latest data on the number of medical supplies distributed to states during the FEMA outbreak at the departure ceremony. "The Federal Emergency Management Agency has shipped 11.6 million N95 masks, 36 million surgical masks, and 5.2 million protective masks to states. We have made thousands of new medical supplies; 4.3 million operations," Trump said. Suits, 22 million pairs of gloves and 8,100 ventilators. "
4. Trump said he has approved the construction of four additional temporary hospitals in New York to alleviate the shortage of local medical resources, and praised the speed of construction of the temporary hospitals in New York.
5.Trump said that he had invoked the "National Defense Production Law" to order GM and other companies to produce ventilators, and the federal government has placed large orders for medical equipment such as ventilators. He praised 3M, and companies such as Honeywell provided a large number of medical equipment for the epidemic. At the same time, he said that Boeing's cargo planes will help the federal government move urgently needed medical supplies to areas with severe outbreaks.
6. Trump said that the new crown epidemic has affected 151 countries around the world. He spoke to British Prime Minister Johnson, who has been diagnosed with the new crown yesterday, and Johnson said there was a serious lack of ventilator in Britain.
7. Trump once again stressed that he has signed a 2.2 trillion yuan bailout bill, and this figure can even reach 6.2 trillion in the future. A family of four can get a check for 3,400 yuan. At the same time, the federal government issued emergency loans to small businesses and expanded unemployment benefits. At the same time, he said that the United States is improving its medical system to ensure that it will be prepared for the next such severe epidemic.


下一篇:川普授权五角大楼征召预备役 必要时可加入军队抗疫




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