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美军关闭所有征兵站转为线上征兵 新兵仍继续训练

2020-03-21 15:12   美国新闻网   - 


美国陆军参谋长詹姆斯·麦康维尔上将(James C. McConville)在周五的新闻发布会上重申,五角大楼已表示,军队训练将继续进行,不过军方已经对从家乡前往训练地点的新兵实施了额外的筛查和隔离措施。
美国陆军部长莱恩·麦卡锡(Ryan McCarthy)表示,美军目前有20多名军人和8名军人家属的新型冠状病毒检测呈阳性。麦卡锡说,他预计今年招兵数量可能会受到疫情影响。

The US army has closed all recruiting stations and turned them into online conscripts, with recruits continuing their training

U.S. officials said Friday that the military will close all recruitment centers and move to online recruitment. At the same time, the Pentagon is trying to keep recruiting during the 2019-ncov pandemic to keep up the numbers.

Thousands of new Americans are joining the military each month to replace veterans, but the logistics of sending recruits into confined spaces for months of training has also raised concerns among White House officials.

Chief of Staff of the United States Army General James McConville reiterated at a news conference on Friday, the Pentagon has said military training will continue, but the military has imposed additional screening and segregation measures on recruits traveling from home to training sites.

Much of the recruiting is done through social media, McConville said, and the U.S. military has been recruiting online in recent years after continuing problems with recruiting, such as creating its own e sports league to attract more young people to the military.

U.S. Army Secretary of War Lyne Joseph McCarthy said more than 20 military personnel and eight family members of military personnel have tested positive for 2019-ncov. Joseph McCarthy said he expected this year's troop levels to be affected by the outbreak.

A U.S. air force contractor working at the Pentagon and another active-duty soldier who visited the building this month have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus, the first known case of a visit to the Pentagon, the air force said on Friday. The Air Force said in a statement that a soldier working for the 2019-ncov tested positive. The soldier was last seen at the Pentagon on March 16, staying for less than an hour.


上一篇:副总统幕僚新冠检测呈阳性 官方称彭斯本人非密切接触者




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