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副总统幕僚新冠检测呈阳性 官方称彭斯本人非密切接触者

2020-03-21 15:05   美国新闻网   - 



The vice president's chief of staff tested positive for a new crown, and officials said Michel Pensée was not a close contact

Vice President Michel Pensée's office confirmed Friday evening that a staff member had tested positive for a new crown.

Katy Miller, a spokesman for Michel Pensée's office, said in a statement, "tonight we are told that a member of Vice President Michel Pensée's office has tested positive for the new coronavirus. Neither President Donald Trump nor vice president Michel Pensée had close contact with the employee. We are following up with close contacts in accordance with CDC guidelines."

Earlier, President Donald Trump received a Brazilian delegation to the United States, including members of the new crown. Although trump insisted he had no close contact with the member, he was tested for the new coronavirus last week. The White House has announced the results are negative. It is unclear whether Vice President Michel Pensée was tested.

Michel Pensée, trump's choice, takes charge of US response to new crown disease.



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