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2020-03-21 13:51  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、佛蒙特州联邦参议员桑德斯。中新社记者 张蔚然 摄

  停募款、撤广告 桑德斯萌生退意?





  疫情影响多州初选 拜登胜出时间待定




  此外,拜登也对新冠肺炎疫情献策,并为11月的总统大选展开备战。他的竞选团队副主席里奇蒙(Cedric Richmond)表示,拜登已开始考虑副总统候选人人选,并广纳退选候选人的阵营人员。

  迎战特朗普 民主党面临团结挑战





Stop advertising, stop fundraising, Saunders, start to retreat? Democrats face more challenges than trump

According to comprehensive reports novel coronavirus pneumonia has been affected by the recent 2020 presidential primary election, but the Democratic Party's primary election process remains a major concern. As the leading edge of former Vice President Biden continues to expand, the outside world begins to focus on the signs of the withdrawal of another presidential candidate, Senator Sanders, to see whether he will withdraw and when.
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Infographic: Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Sanders of Vermont. Photographed by Zhang Weiran, reporter of China News Agency
Stop fundraising and advertising. Saunders is ready to quit?
Since the beginning of the Democratic primary, Sanders from the initial lead to now by Biden opened the gap, the odds of winning are increasingly low. Recently, his campaign also stopped advertising Facebook, and email on the 19th stopped calling for donations from supporters for two days in a row, leading to speculation that the campaign might be coming to an end.
Sanders also said publicly that he would carefully assess the future direction. Currently, sanders and his wife leave Washington, D.C., and return to their Vermont home to talk to supporters and decide on the next step.
Biden camp insiders also said that they would stop attacking Sanders, the above signs suggest that Sanders may only withdraw sooner or later.
The two camps continued to communicate with each other, and there was no timetable for sanders to withdraw from the election, but the two sides' aides revealed that they would reach an agreement to let Sanders "withdraw from the election with dignity".
The impact of the epidemic on Biden's winning time in multi state primary
On the other hand, the Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Biden's victory advantage is more and more obvious. He won Florida, Illinois and Arizona in the presidential primary on the 17th in a row, further widening the gap with rival Senator Sanders.
US Democratic presidential candidate and Hawaii congressman Tulsi gabard also announced on the 19th that he would withdraw from the 2020 election and support former Vice President Biden.
However, because of novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemics postponed in many states, Biden may have to wait until May or June to reach the majority threshold of Party representation. In terms of book numbers, Biden was not able to reach the threshold for Party delegates in April; if Sanders had not yet returned, he would have to win 75% of the vote in the primary by May 19; otherwise, he might have to wait until June 2 to be sure of winning in the primary.
In addition, Biden novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic strategy, and for the November presidential election preparations. Cedric Richmond, vice-chairman of his campaign, said Biden had begun to consider candidates for vice president and was widely inclusive of those who had withdrawn.
Facing the challenge of unity against the Democratic Party of trump
According to US media analysis, although the delayed primary election can help Biden accumulate media attention and donations, whether Sanders withdraws or not will have a huge impact on uniting the Democratic Party; otherwise, it will repeat the fight between sanders and Hillary Clinton in 2016 to the end, which will be adverse to trump.
If Sanders does pull out, Democrats need to avoid disagreements in 2016 that undermine party unity. At that time, sanders and Hillary Clinton still had differences after Hillary's nomination. Many Democrats believed that the dispute caused Hillary's general election defeat, so they hoped that the Democratic Party could unite.
Tensions between the supporters of the two candidates also cast doubt on whether they can come together quickly and smoothly.
In addition, many of Biden's allies hope to end the primary as soon as possible, fearing that the prolonged fighting will undermine the party's competitiveness in November and pose unnecessary health risks to the prospective voters.






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