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2020-03-20 15:30  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登为竞选造势。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄







U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Gabbard drops out

The US Democratic presidential candidate, Hawaii congressman Tulsi gabard, announced on the 19th that he would withdraw from the 2020 election and support former Vice President Biden.
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Information chart: Biden, the former vice president and presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of the United States, made a great momentum for the campaign. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
Gabad has so far been poor in the primary, with only two seats in the national assembly. As the last female candidate in the party, gabard's withdrawal turned the Democratic presidential nomination war into a real battle between Biden and Sanders.
Biden continued to win the primaries in Florida and other three states on the 17th, which also made the US media begin to speculate whether Senator Sanders will withdraw early.
"After Tuesday's primary, it's clear that Democratic voters have chosen Biden, who will face trump in the general election," gabard said in a statement on the same day
Gabard supported Sanders in 2016. In the statement, she also extended "best wishes" to Sanders and his campaign, and expressed respect for sanders "sincere desire to improve the lives of all Americans.".
Born in 1981, gabat was the first Hindu American congressman to serve in Kuwait. Compared with her campaign claims, Gabbard's statements on some controversial topics have attracted more media attention. She was questioned for her position on Syria. During the campaign, she fought with Hillary Clinton for what she called "Russian assets.".
According to the US Capitol Hill newspaper, gabad's political future is not clear, and she announced last year that she would not run for re-election to the house of Representatives. (end)


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