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洛杉矶郡新增一例新冠确诊病例 从D.C.参加AIPAC会议返回

2020-03-08 20:04   美国新闻网   - 

洛杉矶郡新增一例新冠确诊病例 从D.C.参加AIPAC会议返回_图1-1

       美国中文网综合报道 洛杉矶郡公共卫生局星期六表示,该郡新增一例新冠肺炎确诊病例,使总病例数达到14例。

New Crown confirmed case in Los Angeles County from D. C. ATTEND AIPAC meeting and return

Michel Pensée will speak at the conference.

The Los Angeles County Public Health Authority said Saturday it had confirmed a new case of coronary pneumonia in the county, bringing the total number of cases to 14.

The patient, a Los Angeles County resident, recently returned from Washington, D.C. , where he attended a meeting of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) , AIPAC said Friday, two people from New York state came to the meeting infected with the new coronavirus.

The conference was held March 1-3 at the Walter Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. , and was attended by more than 18,000 people.

Among the attendees and speakers were Vice President Michel Pensée, secretary of State Pompeo, Senate majority leader McConnell, and Republican Senator Cruz of Texas. Former Democratic presidential candidate Bloomberg in 2020, former Democratic candidate Buk and others also attended the meeting. It is reported that two-thirds of the members of Congress attended the meeting.


上一篇:全美新冠肺炎死亡人数升至19 华盛顿州疗养院新增两例
下一篇:美国这场会议2人确诊新冠肺炎 彭斯、蓬佩奥曾出席




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