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2022-09-30 09:26  -ABC   - 

随着飓风伊恩在佛罗里达登陆周三,马萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦。美国广播公司新闻独家获得的一封信显示,奥巴马和纽约州众议员阿德里亚诺·埃斯帕莱特(Adriano Espaillat)向拜登政府施压,要求提供一项拖延已久的住房计划的细节,他们说该计划旨在在这个飓风季节启动,以帮助因灾害而流离失所的低收入人群。

灾难援助和支持性住房计划(Disaster Assistance and supporting Housing program,简称DASH)本应在2022年3月前启动,目标是为因飓风、野火或其他灾难而失去家园的人提供住房补贴,并在灾后寻找新住房方面提供长期援助。












Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls out stalled housing program aimed to help hurricane survivors

With Hurricane Ian making landfall in Florida on Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D- Mass., and Rep. Adriano Espaillat, D-N.Y., pressed the Biden administration for details about a much-delayed housing program that they said was intended to be up-and-running by this hurricane season to help low-income people displaced by disasters, a letter obtained exclusively by ABC News shows.

The Disaster Assistance and Supportive Housing program, or DASH, was supposed to launch by March 2022 with the goal of subsidizing housing for people who lose their homes to hurricanes, wildfires or other disasters, and giving longer-term assistance in finding new housing in the aftermath.

But the program has yet to launch, Warren and Espaillat wrote in a letter to agency leaders, requesting an update.

"We are concerned that despite [Federal Emergency Management Agency] and [the Department of Housing and Urban Development]'s intention of making the program available for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which is expected to produce above-normal storm activity, program implementation appears to have stalled," Warren and Espaillat wrote.

Asked about the program's delays and a timeline for the rollout, FEMA spokesperson Jaclyn Rothenberg said the agency was "reviewing the letter."

Warren and Espaillat called for an update from FEMA and HUD by mid-October.

"Year after year we are devastated by hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters and year after year we are ill-prepared to meet the needs of the affected communities," Warren said in a statement to ABC News.

"As we begin the 2022 hurricane season, I am urging FEMA and HUD to act quickly to implement the DASH program so that no families, no matter their income, fall through service gaps in existing disaster relief programs."

Warren and Espaillat said the new housing program has been deemed "essential" by housing advocates who say FEMA's existing programs have " left low-income survivors vulnerable."

Just last week, Hurricane Fiona left the entire island of Puerto Rico without power and killed at least four people, with more potentially killed by indirect effects of the storm. The devastation showed the remaining need for hurricane relief leftover from Hurricane Maria, which hit the island five years ago.

"We are living in a time where our communities are under-prepared when natural disasters strike as we recently witnessed with Hurricane Fiona—and this is completely unacceptable," Espaillat said in a statement to ABC News.

Warren and Espaillat also argued in the letter that other communities of color would become victims of more climate change-related natural disasters in the future, and that government assistance could alleviate the effects.

"Given that climate change is resulting in a rapidly increasing number of natural disasters, which disproportionately impact low-income communities of color, we are concerned that the delay in activating DASH will result in more harm and slower recoveries for marginalized communities," they wrote.






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