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2022-05-18 09:35  -ABC   - 




当地新闻媒体Reading Eagle报道称,伯克郡的投票站在使用新的电子投票簿时遇到了问题,迫使人们回归纸质投票簿。民主党和共和党的律师成功地提交了紧急请愿书,以保持投票在晚上8点的正常关闭时间后开放。


美国广播公司新闻预测,众议员特德·巴德将赢得北卡罗来纳州共和党参议院初选,使他在11月与北卡罗来纳州最高法院大法官切丽·比斯利(Cheri Beasley)竞争。

共和党竞选中有10多名候选人,但巴德获得了前总统唐纳德·特朗普的支持,在民意调查和早期筹款中落后后,赢得了胜利,并领先进入初选。其他候选人包括前州长帕特·麦克罗里(Pat McCrory),他有在全州范围内竞选的记录,以及前众议员马克·沃克(Mark Walker),他是特朗普的忠实支持者,尽管他在竞选中逐渐淡出。


民主党人希望从即将退休的共和党参议员理查德·伯尔(Richard Burr)手中接过席位,但这是一场艰苦的战斗,因为席位呈红色。




奥兹在去年年底发起竞选活动后,撼动了共和党参议员初选,赢得了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)对商人大卫·麦考密克(David McCormick)的支持。但另一位候选人,保守派评论员凯西·巴尼特在竞选的最后几周成为头条新闻,因为她经历了一次突然的飙升。


PHOTO: Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz and his wife Lisa Oz arrive to cast their vote, in Bryn Athyn, Pa., May 17, 2022.


宾夕法尼亚州共和党参议员候选人Mehmet Oz博士和他的妻子Lisa Oz arriv...


另一场值得关注的竞选是州长初选。司法部长乔希·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)正在竞选民主党提名,接替任期有限的州长汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolf),而几位共和党人正在寻找机会,推翻对州长官邸的控制。

Cheri Beasley预计将赢得北卡罗来纳州民主党参议员初选


随着共和党参议员理查德·伯尔(Richard Burr)今年退休,北卡罗来纳州为民主党人提供了一个可能在众议院获得另一个席位的关键机会。


在共和党方面,现任众议员特德·巴德(Ted Budd)获得了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的支持,希望击败共和党领域的两名杰出人物:前众议员马克·沃克(Mark Walker)和前州长帕特·麦克罗里(Pat McCrory)。周二是对特朗普跨州支持力的一次有力考验,因为他还打算让穆罕默德·奥兹(Mehmet Oz)在共和党初选中赢得宾夕法尼亚州的参议员席位。

Election live blog: Trump-backed Budd to face Beasley in North Carolina

Voterswere heading to the pollsTuesday for primary elections in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Kentucky, Idaho and Oregon amid a midterm season that will test the endorsement power of both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

After news surfaced of voting issues in Lancaster County, it became clear that Berks County is also dealing with minor issues but will be able to keep its polling places open an extra hour.

The Reading Eagle, a local news outlet, reported that polling places in Berks County were having issues with new electronic poll books, forcing a return to paper. Attorneys for both Democratic and Republican county parties successfully filed emergency petitions to keep the polls open past the regular 8 p.m. closing time.


ABC News has projected Rep. Ted Budd will win the North Carolina GOP Senate primary, setting him up to run against North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Cheri Beasley, the projected Democratic nominee, in November.

There were over 10 candidates in the GOP race -- but Budd, carrying the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, came out victorious and led the pack heading into the primary after lagging in the polls and in fundraising early on. Other candidates included former Gov. Pat McCrory, who had a record of running statewide, and former Rep. Mark Walker, a Trump loyalist who stayed in the race even though he faded down the stretch.

Budd voted against the certification of election results after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, though he has acknowledged Joe Biden’s legitimacy as president.

Democrats are hoping to pick up the seat from retiring Republican Sen. Richard Burr -- but it's an uphill battle as the seat leans red.

Polls are now closed in Pennsylvania, which is home to one of the most competitive primaries of the night featuring celebrity Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Oz shook up the Republican primary for Senate after launching his campaign late last year, winning former President Donald Trump’s endorsement over businessman David McCormick. But it’s been another candidate, conservative commentator Kathy Barnette, making headlines in the final weeks of the race as she experiences a sudden surge.

Trump said of Barnette last week that she will "never be able to win the general election against the radical left Democrats." Her momentum in the polls has jeopardized his second attempt to influence the race -- he endorsed Oz after Sean Parnell, his initial pick, dropped out of the race.

Leading candidates for the Democratic nomination include Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, Rep. Conor Lamb and state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta.

Another race to watch will be the gubernatorial primary. Attorney General Josh Shapiro is running unopposed for the Democratic nomination to take over for term-limited Gov. Tom Wolf, while several Republicans are looking for the opportunity to flip control of the governor’s mansion.a Dem Senate primary

In the North Carolina Democratic Senate Primary, ABC News projects that former North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Cheri Beasley will win.

North Carolina presents a key opportunity for Democrats to possibly pick up another seat in the chamber as Republican Sen. Richard Burr retires this year.

Beasley was seen as the presumptive front-runner for the Democratic nomination.

On the Republican side, incumbent Rep. Ted Budd, carrying former President Donald Trump's endorsement, is hoping to beat two standouts in the GOP field: Former Rep. Mark Walker and former Gov. Pat McCrory. Tuesday presents a telling test of Trump's endorsement power across state lines, as he also aims for Dr. Mehmet Oz to win the Republican primary race for Pennsylvania's open Senate seat.






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