Early Career STEM Research Initiative

“早期职业STEM研究计划”(Early Career STEM Research Initiative)旨在促进“BridgeUSA桥梁美国”项目的交流访问者来美国从事STEM研究。国务院还宣布延长J-1签证中STEM领域的本科生和研究生的签证期限,这将有助于他们接受最长达36个月的额外学术培训,这一延长政策适用于当前的2021-22学年和接下来的2022-23学年。
The Early Career STEM Research Initiative seeks to connect BridgeUSA exchange sponsors with interested U.S.-based STEM host organizations (e.g., small and medium businesses) to increase the number of STEM-focused educational and cultural exchanges. The Department is also announcing an extension for undergraduate and graduate students in STEM fields on the J-1 visa that will facilitate additional academic training for periods of up to 36 months. The extension applies to the current (2021-22) and subsequent (2022-23) academic years.
STEM OPT增加22个新领域
22 new fields of study have been added

美国国土安全部宣布,在STEM OPT计划中增加22个新的学科领域,以扩大在STEM领域学习的非移民学生的贡献,并支持美国经济和创新的增长。
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced 22 new fields of study have been added to the STEM Optional Practical Training (OPT) program to enhance the contributions of nonimmigrant students studying in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and support the growth of the U.S. economy and innovation.
The 22 new fields of study are bioenergy, general forestry, forest resources production and management, human-centered technology design, cloud computing, anthrozoology, climate science, earth systems science, economics and computer science, environmental geosciences, geobiology, geography and environmental studies, mathematical economics, mathematics and atmospheric and oceanic science, general data science, general data analytics, business analytics, data visualization, financial analytics, other data analytics, industrial and organizational psychology, and social sciences, research methodology, and quantitative methods.
国土安全部部长Alejandro Mayorkas表示,“通过提供STEM教育和培训机会,国土安全部正在扩大在STEM教育领域表现优异并为美国经济做出贡献的学生的数量和多样性。”