
托福阅读的文章主要来自于《国家地理》、 《经济学家》、《旁观者》、《纽约时报》、《纽约客》、《每日邮报》、《世界新闻报》、《科学美国人》、《自然》等,这些期刊报纸的表达,无论是从句型的结构,词语的选用、观点的严谨性、表达的专业性,都有非常多的借鉴价值。



好,下面我们以TPO56的第一篇文章(Alfred Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift/Alfred Wegener’s的大陆漂移理论)为例,来讲讲如何借助托福阅读提升文书写作水平。
In 1912, the German geologist Alfred Wegener proposed that Earth's continents are mobile rafts of lighter crust that have shifted over time by plowing their way through the denser crust of the oceans. The theory, called continental drift, was partly motivated by the apparent fit, like puzzle pieces, of the coastlines of South America and Africa. Wegener first presented his theory of continental drift at a meeting and in a paper, and then as a book, The Origin of Continents and Oceans, published in 1915. He continued to write updated versions of this work until his death in an ill-fated expedition to Greenland in 1930. Wegener maintained that Earth is composed of concentric shells of increasing density from crust to core. The outermost shell is not continuous but made of continental blocks of lighter rock called sial (an acronym for silica- and aluminum-rich rock) floating in the denser sima (silica- and magnesia-rich rock) underlying the oceans. All the continents had been joined in the supercontinent of Pangaea. As the continent broke up, the pieces moving apart left bits behind, explaining the presence of nonvolcanic islands and island chains, according to Wegener. Where the moving pieces collided, mountains formed.They were thrust up either by the plowing of the continents through the sima,as in the case of the Andes,or by the colliding of two blocks of sial, as in the case of the Himalayas.As for the force driving continental drift, Wegener initially invoked Polfluchtkraft- -a force causing flight from the poles as a result of Earth's rotation- -and later the tidal force resulting from the gravitational attraction between Earth and the Moon and Sun.
One of the most influential geologists to join the mobilist camp, as the drifters school became known,was Arthur Holmes. Holmes recognized the importance of radioactive heat- -which had recently been discovered- -and realized that there must be a mechanism to remove it from Earth's interior.That mechanism,he argued,is convection- -the rising of less dense material and the sinking of more dense material. He went on to propose that the mantle (the part of Earth's interior below the outer crust and above the core) convects in large, circulating patterns, and that this motion carries the continents across Earth's surface. He also related crustal movement and mantle convection to the evolution of mountain belts. Wegener adopted Holmes's mechanism in the last rendition of his theory. Holmes, for his part, presented his grand concept of a dynamic Earth in his influential and popular text Principles of Physical Geology, published in 1944.
Although it was eventually supplanted by the theory of plate tectonics, Wegener's theory of continental drift influenced science because it explained disparate observations, because it was placed in the context of existing theories, and because it offered a coherent view of Earth's evolution. For example, Wegener showed not only that the coastlines on opposite sides of the Atlantic fit together, but that geologic features on the different continents fit as well. He asserted that the Appalachians, which can be traced northward through the Canadian Maritime Provinces, match the Caledonian Mountains in Scotland and Norway.He marshaled evidence from the distributions of fossil and living species to argue that land bridges joining continents were less likely than a single continent. The example commonly cited is that of Mesosaurus, a shoreline scavenger reptile that lived in the Permian period and is found as fossils in rocks on both sides of the South Atlantic Ocean. Mesosaurus was thought not to be a great swimmer, certainly not able to cross an ocean.
Wegener also found supporting evidence in ancient climates. Mounting observations indicated that the past climate of many regions was much different from the present climate.In the tropics,geologists had found sand and gravel left by ancient glaciers, and in rainy regions they had located prehistoric deserts.Then there was the discovery, by a British expedition, of plant fossils only 600 kilometers (370 miles) from the South Pole. Particularly puzzling was evidence suggesting that widely different climates in different regions had occurred at the same time, so one could not account for different climates by claiming simply that the whole of Earth was once hotter or once cooler than now. Wegener solved this dilemma by showing that observations of paleoclimate could be explained if the positions of the continents had shifted relative to those of the poles.

1. 用词多样,避免重复
试想一下,一篇文章从头到尾如果都充斥着一个被反复提到的词,那么读者是很容易产生审美疲劳的,与此同时还会质疑作者的单词量和写作水平。所以,积累一些常用单词的替换表达是非常重要的,以这篇文章为例,第一段用的是Wegener maintained that Earth is composed of concentric shells of increasing density from crust to core(见第一段标红色字体),maintain在这里是“坚持(意见)、固执己见”的意思,表现了Wegener对自己提出观点的坚定决心。
在第三段,Wegener再次捍卫了自己的观点,这次用的句子是He asserted that the Appalachians, which can be traced northward through the Canadian Maritime Provinces, match the Caledonian Mountains in Scotland and Norway(见第三段标红色字体),asserted也是“坚持自己的主张、断言”的意思,但是在这里,我们看到,文章并没有再重复使用maintain了。
2. 长短结合,营造节奏感
(1)Where the moving pieces collided, mountains formed. (2)They were thrust up either by the plowing of the continents through the sima,as in the case of the Andes, or by the colliding of two blocks of sial, as in the case of the Himalayas.(3)As for the force driving continental drift, Wegener initially invoked Polfluchtkraft- -a force causing flight from the poles as a result of Earth's rotation- -and later the tidal force resulting from the gravitational attraction between Earth and the Moon and Sun。
第二句话,我们可以学习下它的写法,这里的either or引导的分别是sima(硅镁层)和sial(硅铝层),为了论证这这俩概念,又分别举了 Andes和Himalayas这两个例子。同学们需要注意的是,这种题目特别容易出作者目的题,解题不难,找到例子和它对应的论点就可以找到突破。如果我们在写作中,需要介绍并阐述两个对象的时候,可以学习并套用这个句型:..., either.., as in the case of.., or..., as in the case of...
第三句话,比前两句都长,但是句子本身的意思并不难理解,可以用 initially和later这两个词作为突破点,第一个部分,刚开始Wegener引用的是Polfluchtkraft(这个initially一出来,就说明后面Wegener改变了观点,如果他没有改变,是不会用initially这样的字眼的),后来,他则引用了tidal force。阅读的时候,我们需要注意关于“时间”的表达,此类表达往往会涉及到一个逆向的推理(比如,我以前很喜欢吃薯片,这句话的言外之意是现在已经不爱吃薯片了);写作的时候,我们也可以借助“时间点”来表达改变,比如我们认知的改变,行为的改变,爱好的改变,等等。
3. 巧用词汇:
In 1912, the German geologist Alfred Wegener proposed that Earth's continents are mobile rafts of lighter crust that have shifted over time by plowing their way through the denser crust of the oceans。
分析:Plow这个词,大家可能更熟悉的是它的名词含义“犁;似犁的工具”,在这个句子中,plow则是相对不那么常见的动词用法,意思为“破浪前进;开路”。当我们知道了plow的动词用法之后,再回到原文感受下:by plowing their way through the denser crust of the oceans, 当穿过较为稠密的海洋地壳的时候,一般的go through这样的动作就显得稍弱一些,plow这个词,很精妙的表达了突破海洋地壳的困难。
例句示范:I needed to plow through the nostalgia and get to work. 我需要克服乡愁,开始工作。(Plow在这里轻松营造出来了“乡愁难以消除”的感觉)
He marshaled evidence from the distributions of fossil and living species to argue that land bridges joining continents were less likely than a single continent.
分析:Marshal这个词,和Plow类似,大家更为熟悉的可能是它的名词用法,意思为“元帅;典礼官;司仪”。在这个句子里面,它作为动词使用,意思为“收集;结集;组织;维持秩序”。He marshaled evidence from the distributions of fossil and living species..., 他收集了化石和生物物种分布的证据。相比于collect,marshal更为小众一些,但是用的正确,会增强文字的表现力。
例句示范:“It’s a big country,”said Wednesday, marshaling his thoughts. 这是一个大国,Wednesday说道,整理着他的思绪。
Mounting observations indicated that the past climate of many regions was much different from the present climate.
分析:在这个句子里,mounting作为形容词用,意思为“上升的; 增长的”,它和increasing,rising,growing都是同义词,我们可以积累起来,替换着使用。
例句示范:Lane watched her with mounting irritation. Lane看着她,怒气不断上升。