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2020-04-15 11:13  美国留学申请   - 









US NEWS 综合大学
1. 普林斯顿大学
Princeton University :As of now, the University still plans to hold classes as scheduled for the fall semester. Administrators are closely monitoring the current COVID-19 situation, and will make a decision regarding the manner of instruction (whether online or in a traditional classroom setting) as more information becomes available.
2. 哥伦比亚大学
Columbia University :At this moment, we are still planning on having students on campus this fall. We will let enrolled students know of any planned change if that decision is made.
3. 斯坦福大学
Stanford University :We are focusing on our immediate operations--selecting the Class of 2024 and our transfer class for fall 2020.
4. 宾夕法尼亚大学
University of Pennsylvania :At this point in time, we have not changed our plans for Fall instruction procedures.
5. 达特茅斯学院
Dartmouth :No decisions have been made at this time about the Fall 2020 semester.
6. 布朗大学
Brown University :We do not have any information at this time about the fall semester.
7. 圣母大学
University of Notre Dame : At this point in time, no decisions have been made regarding the start or method of learning in the fall semester. 
8. 卡内基梅隆大学
Carnegie Mellon University :Currently the fall semester is set to go on as scheduled, but that could change as things develop.
9. 维克森林大学
Wake Forest University :Right now, we plan for students to be on campus for the fall and for school to begin at its regular date. That may change, of course, so we encourage you to look at our Class of 2024 webpage for updates periodically, but for right now we plan to have a normal fall term.
10. 罗切斯特大学
University of Rochester :Since we have seen things change day-by-day, it is too early to predict what will happen by the end of summer.  We are keeping a close eye on things and will let you know when we make that decision.  If students are not allowed back on campus or International students are not allowed to travel, we will make adjustments to online classes if necessary.  We are all hopeful this will not happen, but it is too early to predict.
11. 波士顿大学
Boston University :Based on what we know today, we are planning to have classes begin in September. We have every reason to believe classes will resume in the fall.
12. 凯斯西储大学
Case Western Reserve University :At this time, we are planning for the start of the fall semester to proceed as scheduled.
13. 威廉玛丽学院
William & Mary :Please know we are monitoring the situation and no decisions have been made.
14. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
University of Wisconsin-Madison :At the moment, the Fall semester is anticipated to occur as usual. Our University Officials are closely monitoring the situation along with our Public Health Officials.
15. 维拉诺瓦大学
Villanova University :As information becomes available, we will continue to update the community on important academic matters.
16. 里海大学
Lehigh University : As of now, classes have transitioned to remote learning through Summer 2020. It's a bit early to know what things will look like for fall.
17. 伦斯勒理工学院
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute : There’s really no way of knowing, at this point in time, if the fall semester will take place on campus as per usual.
1. 威廉姆斯学院
Williams College:We are still planning on holding classes as normal on campus this coming fall.
2. 波莫纳学院
Pomona College: The College is planning to resume business as usual in the fall, though that could of course change if global circumstances warrant it.
3. 卡尔顿学院
Carleton :We have every intention to welcome students to campus for New Student Week on Tuesday September 8 and to start fall term on Monday September 14, but seeing things are changing at such a fast pace, we just don't know for sure at this time.  
4. 科尔比学院
Colby College:In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, Colby has cancelled all admissions events including campus tours, information sessions, and group visits through at least May 31. The Admitted Students Program and admissions day visits for the Class of 2024 have also been cancelled.
5. 汉密尔顿学院
Hamilton: At this point in time, there are no changes to the Fall 2020 semester.
6. 科尔盖特大学
Colgate University:The university has not made an announcements regarding fall classes at this time.  
7. 贝茨学院
Bates College :There has not been a decision made on the start of the academic year as of yet.
8. 里士满大学
University of Richmond :Richmond has not made any final decisions about the Fall semester. We encourage you to reach out to your regional admission counselor for further clarification.
9. 布林茅尔学院
Bryn Mawr College :We are still working out the logistics of the Fall semester.
10. 科罗拉多学院
Colorado College : We don't have that information.






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