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2019-09-04 12:22  美国新闻网  -  4946



       克拉斯纳告诉记者Jericka Duncan在哥伦比亚广播公司今早报道说美国优先考虑惩罚,而不是康复,而这正是他在费城寻求改变的。他正在“缩短”缓刑和假释命令,这些命令通常会被判处监禁。他还为非暴力罪犯减轻了刑罚。这些是他认为他可以在经济上和文化上改变费城的一些方式。



       康复服务的费用只是监禁某人的一小部分,无论该人复发和返回多少次以获得更多治疗,这都是正确的,他在2018年提出并在CBS今晨再次重申。“那么,为什么呢,”克拉斯纳说,“当这些人非暴力并且在统计上不太可能有危险时 - 为什么社会不这样做呢?”

费城地区检察官拉里克拉斯纳在公共辩护人Tiffany Caban的选举派对中向记者讲话,此前她在皇后区民主党初选中获胜。在一个包括将性工作合法化的渐进式平台(Krasner也试图在费城实施的政策)和关闭Rikers岛监狱的情况下,Caban勉强击败了Queens Borough总统Melinda Katz并为城市的进步基层网络取得了令人震惊的胜利。刑事司法运动。

       最近,Krasner已经解雇了Chester Hollman,Terrance Lewis和Johnny Berry。总的来说,这些男子因犯下他们没有犯下的罪行而被判入狱近74年。

       “身体上,我是自由的,”霍尔曼告诉CBS记者Jericka Duncan。“但是,就像,我正在处理很多情绪化的事情。我正试图找到自己。”







       Philadelphia's district attorney Larry Krasner has been in office for less than two years, but in his time so far, he's exonerated nine people who have maintained their innocence for crimes like second-degree murder, robbery and conspiracy.

       Krasner told correspondent Jericka Duncan on CBS This Morning that the U.S. has prioritized punishment, not rehabilitation, and that's what he's seeking to change in Philadelphia. He's "shortening up" the probation and parole orders that are generally tacked onto the end of a jail sentence. He's also lightening sentences for nonviolent offenders. These are some of the ways he sees that he can change Philadelphia economically — as well as culturally.

       Upon taking office, Krasner recognized Philadelphia had the second highest incarceration rate of the country's 10 largest cities, spending roughly $300 million a year on its prisons. Not to mention, the overcrowding, Krasner told Newsweek in 2018, sparked violence behind prisons.

       "The costs," he said, "are crippling and unnecessary."

       Rehabilitation services cost a fraction of incarcerating someone, and that holds true no matter how many times the person relapses and returns for more treatment, he suggested in 2018 and reiterated again on CBS This Morning. "So why," Krasner said, "when these people are nonviolent and statistically unlikely to ever be dangerous — why as a society would we not do that?"

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner speaks to a reporter at of the election party of public defender Tiffany Caban
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner speaks to a reporter at of the election party of public defender Tiffany Caban moments before she claimed victory in the in the Queens District Attorney Democratic Primary election. Running on a progressive platform that includes decriminalizing sex work (a policy that Krasner is also trying to implement in Philadelphia) and closing the Rikers Island jail, Caban narrowly defeated Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and scored a shocking victory for city's the progressive grassroots network and criminal justice movement.

       Most recently, Krasner has exonerated Chester Hollman, Terrance Lewis and Johnny Berry. Collectively, the men spent nearly 74 years in prison for crimes they said they did not commit.

       "Physically, I'm free," Hollman told CBS correspondent Jericka Duncan. "But, like, it's just a lot of emotional things that I'm dealing with. I'm trying to find myself."

       A judge freed Hollman in July, after prosecutors reopened his case and proved he was innocent of the 1993 murder for which he was serving life in prison, CBS News reported. Authorities had evidence that pointed to other suspects, but it was not disclosed at the time of Hollman's conviction.

       Lewis told Duncan: Lewis said, "Personally, I haven't been home not even 90 days. Although I've been happy, and I'm grateful, it's definitely been difficult. I have been enslaved, mentally as well as physically. I'm still traumatized. This fell upon us. They uprooted our life. When I say 'they,' meaning the system as a whole."

       According to CBS News, Krasner said the Conviction Integrity Unit actually rejects most of the cases it investigates, and that so far, it's overturned convictions in about 4 percent of the cases it has reexamined.

       Still, Krasner is ostensibly attempting to reform sentencing practices at all levels, from trying fewer children as adults to offering more generous plea deals and handing out fewer prison sentences for nonviolent crimes.

       "We are actually very, very serious about going after shootings, about going after gunpoint robberies, about going after rapes. We are focusing our attention on that," Krasner said, adding that funneling the money saved through his reforms back into public schools is how he plans to revive impoverished and crime-ridden neighborhoods.






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