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2021-10-29 11:16   美国新闻网   - 




作为同性恋社区公民权利组织Lambda Legal的客户提出申请2015年10月26日,一项针对美国国务院的联邦歧视诉讼以性别标记不明为由拒绝向他们发放护照。






PHOTO: Dana Zzyym poses for a photo, Oct. 27, 2021, in Fort Collins, Colo.



美国国务院发言人内德·普莱斯(Ned Price)在一份声明中宣布,该机构致力于“促进所有人的自由、尊严和平等,包括男女同性恋、双性恋、变性者和双性人”,该机构正在努力扩大其他法律文件中性别和性身份的选择,例如国外出生的领事报告。

LGBTQ工作场所平等倡导组织Out & Equal Workplace Advocates的首席执行官艾琳·乌里塔斯(Erin Uritus)在一份声明中表示:“我很高兴美国政府颁发了有史以来第一本带有X性别标记的护照。“官方对那些不符合二进制的人的中性描述标志着一个关键的里程碑和先例。最重要的是,通过发放新护照,美国政府对非二进制美国人说:‘我们看到你们了。你存在。“你很重要,”"


1st American with 'X' gender passport speaks out on 'awesome moment'

Dana Zzyym from Fort Collins, Colorado, became the first U.S. citizen on Wednesdayto receive a passportaccommodating nonbinary, intersex and gender nonconforming individuals.

In an interview with ABC News Live's Stephanie Ramos, the 63-year-old Zzyym said opening the envelope and receiving the first passport with an "X" gender marker designation was "an awesome moment."

Zzyym -- a disabled Navy veteran and the associate director for the Intersex Campaign for Equality -- has been advocating for equal rights for intersex persons for years.

As a client of Lambda Legal, a civil rights organization for the queer community, Zzyymfileda federal discrimination lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State for denying them a passport on the grounds of an unclear gender-marker designation on Oct. 26, 2015.

"It's just been a long journey," Zzyym told ABC News, referring to the court proceedings. "And the accumulation of that fight was in my hands and it represented a lot of things to me."

Zzyym believes that the new passport allows intersex Americans the freedom to identify as who they truly are. However, they speculate that many people who are stuck in "Stockholm syndrome" after being raised as male or female won't make use of the new opportunity.

After being born with "ambiguous sex characteristics," Zzyym was raised as a boy andmade to undergoirreversible surgeries by their parents. Both their sex and gender identity are nonbinary and they use "they/them/their" pronouns.

Zzyym's passport, a milestone for gender nonconforming residents, comes four months after Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that individuals could choose the gender displayed on their passport and would no longer have corroborate it with medical certificates.

"It freed me up to get out of the country and do things, but it also represented the first step in having some rights as an intersex and nonbinary person," Zzyym told ABC News.

State Department spokesperson Ned Price announced in a statement the agency is committed to "promoting the freedom, dignity, and equality of all people -- including LGBTQI+ persons," and that the agency is working on broadening options for gender and sexual identity across other legal documents, such as the consular report of birth abroad.

"I am thrilled that the U.S. government issued the first ever passport with an X gender marker," Erin Uritus, CEO of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, a LGBTQ workplace equality advocacy organization, said in a statement. "The official gender-neutral description for those who do not fit into the binary marks a key milestone and precedent. Most importantly, by issuing this new passport, the U.S. government is saying to nonbinary Americans: ‘We see you. You exist. You matter.’"

With intersex conferences canceled due to the pandemic, Zzyym plans to first use their new passport to go fishing in Costa Rica or Mexico.






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