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2021-07-30 09:24  ABC   - 




“我不支持一项耗资3.5万亿美元的法案,”亚利桑那州参议员基尔斯顿·西内马(Kyrsten Sinema)周三在一份声明中写道。



















Bipartisan infrastructure deal makes way for bigger Biden agenda battle: The Note

The TAKE withAveri Harper

While a group ofSenate negotiatorshave come to an agreement on thebipartisan infrastructure plan, there is a larger battle brewing over the $3.5 trillion Democrats-only plan focused on "human infrastructure."

That budget reconciliation planaims to makevast investments in social priorities like health care, paid family leave, education and climate change. It would require that all 50 Senate Democrats be inlockstep agreement. In short, they're not.

"I do not support a bill that costs $3.5 trillion," wrote Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., in a statement Wednesday.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., responded to Sinema viaTwitterwith her own warning saying in part, "Good luck tanking your own party's investment on childcare, climate action, and infrastructure while presuming you'll survive a 3 vote House margin."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosihas already saidshe wouldn't bring that bipartisan plan to the floor for a vote without the passage of the budget reconciliation plan. The president hasexpressed confidencein the bipartisan plan but is still selling that human infrastructure plan to Americans across the country.

"As the deal goes to the entire Senate, there is still plenty of work ahead to bring this home," President Joe Biden wrote in a White House-issued statement. "There will be disagreements to resolve and more compromise to forge along the way."

The president'slatest statementforeshadows what he must know is to come -- a continued uphill battle to get these major agenda items done.

The RUNDOWN withAlisa Wiersema

In its weekly COVID-19 forecast Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted that cases, hospital admissions and daily deaths will increase over the next four weeks. That trajectory, along with the agency's recently revised masking guidance, isadding to an already tenseandpartisan atmospherein the nation's capital.

As reported by ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Cecilia Vega and Sarah Kolinovsky, Biden isexpected to announceThursday thatfederal employeeswill be required to be vaccinated or else they must abide by "stringent COVID-19 protocols like mandatory mask wearing -- even in communities not with high or substantial spread -- and regular testing."

Although the president also said the nation will not be heading back into a 2020-esque lockdown, Republicansseized on the changing messagescoming from across the aisle.

By retracting advances toward a return to normalcy,some Republicans arguedit will now be more difficult to get unvaccinated people totake the vaccine.

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy said the return to using masks is "casting doubt on a safe and effective vaccine," despite the CDC adding that the return of mask requirements isbased on a surgeof highly transmissible variants.

McCarthy also said the move "is not a decision based on science." In response to that comment, Pelosi's office said she believes the view "is moronic."

The TIP withQuinn Scanlan

New Yorkers had something to say Wednesdayabout the bodythat runs elections in America's largest city.

"It's almost as if the Board of Elections is trying to overtake the MTA in most chastised public agency," quipped state Sen. John Liu during the Standing Committee on Elections' first of manyhearings about votingand elections in the Empire State.

Those testifying before the committee, and the senators present, were in universal agreement thatsignificant reformis in order for the NYC BOE, which has been plagued for years by headlines like last month's, when 135,000 "test ballots" weremistakenly addedto preliminary ranked-choice voting results for the city's Democraticmayoral primary.

Reform will take time, and potentially a constitutional amendment, but it's needed to rid the BOE of its chronic "cronyism" culture that's led to unqualified, deeply partisan people running elections, witnesses testified.

"I really have no issue with the culture of nepotism and favoritism, but I do want the nepites and the favorites to be competent," said Henry Flax. "Sadly, this is not the case."

More hearings are set for next week in Syracuse and Rochester and the chairman urged voters to, like voting itself,make their voices heard.






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