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2019-08-21 15:13  美国新闻网  -  3740



       “任何投票支持民主党人的犹太人 - 我认为这显示出完全缺乏知识或极不忠诚,”特朗普在白宫对记者举行的民主党女议员Rashida Tlaib和密歇根州的Ilhan Omar周一新闻发布会上说。明尼苏达州批评以色列领导人禁止他们进入地中海国家。



       特朗普周二从椭圆形办公室说:“由于两个人讨厌以色列并憎恨犹太人,因此切断对以色列的援助 - 我无法相信我们甚至会进行这种对话。”



       “这是美国总统对谁投票反对他的美籍犹太人的80%挥起明确的双重忠诚负责这不是mearly [ 原文 ]的反犹太人的狗哨-这是一个扩音器,以他的白色民族基地”进步的犹太裔美国人组织IfNotNow 在一份声明中告诉新闻周刊。“美国犹太人和民主党选民充分了解内塔尼亚胡和以色列政府对巴勒斯坦人民的种族主义政策的影响。这就是为什么绝大多数人反对这些政策,如不加限制的定居点扩张。”


       “犹太人和平行动之声”的政府事务经理贝丝·米勒在一份声明中告诉“新闻周刊”,特朗普的言论不仅“扮演犹太人持有'双重忠诚'的反犹太主义”,而且“也只是与现实脱节”。 “





Rashida Tlaib和Ilhan Omar
代表Ilhan Omar(D-MN)和Rashida Tlaib(D-MI)于8月19日在明尼苏达州圣保罗举行新闻发布会



       尽管特朗普认为犹太裔美国人不应该投票支持民主党,但根据盖洛普 3月发布的数据,截至2018年,只有少数人认定为共和党人。只有16%的犹太裔美国受访者表示他们是共和党人,而52%的人认为是民主党人,31%的人认为自己是独立的。该调查还发现,71%的犹太裔美国人不赞成特朗普的领导权。


       President Donald Trump on Tuesday accused Jewish-Americans who vote for Democrats of showing "great disloyalty."

       "Any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat — I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," Trump told reporters at the White House as he discussed a Monday press conference by Democratic Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, in which they criticized Israeli leaders for barring them from entering the Mediterranean nation.

Donald Trump
President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media in the Oval Office of the White House on August 20 in Washington,

       The congresswomen were joined by Jewish-American supporters during that press conference, during which they suggested that the U.S. Congress should consider cutting the billions of dollars in aid it regularly provides to Israel. Those comments were similar to remarks by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is also Jewish. He has repeatedly slammed the Israeli government decision to ban his colleagues, arguing that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should also decline aid money sent from Washington.

       "Cutting off aid to Israel because of two people that hate Israel and hate Jewish people — I can't believe we're even having this conversation," Trump said on Tuesday from the Oval Office.

       On Twitter, some of the president's critics were quick to suggest that the president's comments were anti-Semitic. "So about that dual loyalty trope..." Ben Rhodes, a political commentator who worked for the administration of President Barack Obama, tweeted, sharing the president's quote.

       Rhodes was referencing a common anti-Semitic trope that claims Jewish-Americans have a dual loyalty to Israel and the U.S., suggesting that they would support the best interests of Israel over those of America. Trump's comment suggested that Jewish-Americans necessarily should have this kind of "dual-loyalty."

       "This is an explicit dual loyalty charge wielded by the President of the United States against 80% of American Jews who voted against him. It is not mearly [sic] an antisemitic dog whistle — it's a bullhorn to his white nationalist base," the progressive Jewish-American group IfNotNow told Newsweek in a statement. "American Jews and Democratic voters know full well the impact of the racist policies of Netanyahu and the Israeli government on the Palestinian people. This is why an overwhelming majority to oppose those policies, like unchecked settlement expansion."

       "The president just called around 75% of American Jews ignorant and/or disloyal, which IMO is straightforward antisemitism but if you're in the other 25% your mileage may vary," David Klion, news editor at Jewish Currents, tweeted.

       Beth Miller, government affairs manager at Jewish Voice for Peace Action, told Newsweek in a statement that Trump's remark did not only "play into the antisemitic trope of Jews holding 'dual-loyalty,'" but was "also just wildly disconnected from reality."

       "A rapidly growing number of American Jews support conditioning, cutting, or ending U.S. military aid to a country that uses our tax dollars to violently oppress Palestinians," Miller said.

       Omar and Tlaib last week were banned from traveling to Israel on a previously approved trip, during which they intended to meet with Israeli and Palestinian groups. Both congresswomen, who are the first two Muslim women to serve in the legislative body, have been outspoken in their criticism of Israel, pointing to the documented human rights abuses that the U.S. ally has committed against Palestinians.

       Tlaib, who is the child of Palestinian-American immigrants, has family, including her 90-year-old grandmother, living in the West Bank. The Palestinian territory is largely controlled by Israel with a degree of autonomy, and the only way to enter is by traveling through Israel.

       Israel banned the representatives due to their support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, which calls for an economic and cultural boycott of Israel and its products until the country addresses human rights abuses against the Palestinians. Although Israeli leaders later decided that Tlaib could travel to the country to visit her elderly grandmother, she would have still been barred from criticizing the country or promoting BDS. As a result, she chose not to go.

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar
Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) hold a news conference on August 19 in St. Paul, Minnesota

       "It was an agonizing and unjust position for Israel to demand that @RepRashida silence her political views as a condition of visiting her sitty in Palestine," the progressive American-Jewish organization Jewish Voice for Peace wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. "Instead, she chose freedom at the expense of seeing her grandmother knowing that her freedom gives her life."

       Trump has repeatedly attacked the two congresswomen, who have been highly critical of him and his administration. The president has claimed that Tlaib and Omar hate Jews, when they actually work frequently with Jewish colleagues on various legislative initiatives and enjoy significant support from progressive American Jewish groups.

       Despite Trump's belief that Jewish-Americans should not vote for Democrats, only a minority of the group identified as Republicans as of 2018, according to data released by Gallup in March. Just 16 percent of Jewish-American respondents said they were Republican, while 52 percent identified as Democrats and 31 percent considered themselves to be independent. That survey also found that 71 percent of Jewish-Americans disapproved of Trump's leadership.






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