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2021-05-15 10:24   美国新闻网   - 

俄克拉荷马城——在去年的选举日,州众议员乔恩·埃科尔斯(Jon Echols)看到他所在的地区有3个半小时的投票时间,这一地区从俄克拉荷马城的城市核心边缘延伸到郊区,让位于广阔的农村土地。




共和党州长凯文·斯蒂特(Kevin Stitt)本周签署了一项立法,将该州的当面提前投票时间延长一天,周六提前投票时间延长一个小时,并做出了一些修改,以确保及时收到邮寄选票进行计数。此举出台之际,投票已成为共和党人的首要问题——但方向相反。从阿肯色州到佛罗里达州,共和党控制的各州都通过了法律,加大了投票的难度,从增加审查到邮件投票上的签名,到限制投票箱的使用时间,所有这些都受到了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)虚假坚持自己因欺诈而输掉连任竞选的启发。


虽然佐治亚州的限制导致美国职业棒球大联盟(Mail League Ballage)将全明星赛移至该州,而德克萨斯州提出的立法也引发了街头抗议和美国航空(American Airlines)等大公司的抗议,但俄克拉荷马州的适度改革几乎没有引起争议。他们来到一个担心投票率长期较低的州——根据ElectProject.org的数据,在去年的总统选举中,只有55%的合格人口投票,是该国最低的,该数据跟踪了该国自建国以来的投票率。在全国范围内,超过三分之二的选民投票。


共和党战略家、俄克拉荷马州共和党前主席查德·亚历山大(Chad Alexander)表示,他认为该措施几乎没有遭到反对的部分原因是,提前一天投票不太可能减缓共和党在这个深红色州的主导地位。








共和党民意测验专家兼策略师帕特·麦克费伦(Pat McFerron)表示,提前投票可能还会抵御对俄克拉荷马州法律的批评,这些法律包括选民身份证要求和经过公证的邮寄选票。



众议院少数党领袖、来自大学城诺曼的民主党人艾米丽·维珍(Emily Virgin)说,虽然她很高兴投票日的数量在增加,但要让俄克拉荷马州人更容易投票,还需要做更多的工作。


Oklahoma bucks red-state trend, extends early voting

OKLAHOMA CITY -- On Election Day last year, state Rep. Jon Echols was mortified to see a 3 1/2-hour line to vote in his district, which stretches from the edge of Oklahoma City's urban core into suburban neighborhoods that give way to wide stretches of rural land.

A nation like the U.S. — with “real, free and fair elections,” Echols said — shouldn't make people wait so long to participate in democracy.

“We should all be humiliated that we had that," Echols said.

He may sound like a voting rights advocate or a Democratic politician set on expanding access to the ballot, but Echols is a Republican and the majority floor leader of the GOP-controlled Oklahoma House. What he did after that Election Day revelation stands in sharp contrast to what the GOP has done in many other states — Echols helped make it slightly easier to vote in deep-red Oklahoma.

Gov. Kevin Stitt, a Republican, signed legislation this week that adds a day to in-person early voting in the state and an extra hour to Saturday early voting, and it also makes changes to ensure mail-in ballots are received in time to be counted. The move comes as voting has become a top issue among Republicans — but in the other direction. GOP-controlled states from Arkansas to Florida have passed laws making it harder to vote, ranging from adding scrutiny to signatures on mail ballots to limiting the time frame drop boxes can be used, and all inspired by former President Donald Trump's false insistence that he lost his reelection bid because of fraud.

In Oklahoma, where Republicans feel little threat from Democrats, the party is acknowledging that easing access to the ballot may increase turnout.

While restrictions in Georgia led Major League Baseball to move the All-Star Game, and Texas' proposed legislation has sparked protests in the streets and from major corporations like American Airlines, Oklahoma's modest changes drew little controversy. They came in a state worried about its perennially low turnout rate — only 55% of the eligible population voted in last year's presidential election, the lowest in the country, according to ElectProject.org, which tracks turnout since the country's founding. Nationally, more than two-thirds of voters cast ballots.

Oklahoma's entire delegation in the U.S. House — all Republicans — heeded Trump's call about fake election fraud and voted against certifying the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, and two dozen Republican state lawmakers urged them in a letter to do so. But the bill to expand early voting sailed through the House and Senate with just a handful of opposing votes.

Chad Alexander, a GOP strategist and former chair of the Oklahoma Republican Party, said he thinks part of the reason the measure faced little opposition is that one extra day of early voting isn't likely to slow the Republican dominance in the deep-red state.

“We haven't had a Democrat carry a single county in a presidential race in five election cycles," Alexander said. “Every statewide elected official is a Republican, and they were elected in an off-year for Republicans.

“Oklahoma is very red, and I don't think this change disproportionately affects either party," he said.

That contrasts with other states where Republicans have pushed to change voter laws: political battlegrounds like Florida; states where the GOP fears its hold is slipping, like Arizona and Georgia; or even places where the party is on the upswing but still threatened by occasional wins on the other side of the aisle, like Montana. In several of these states, the changes disproportionately hamper Democratic voters, like college students in Montana, who can no longer use campus IDs as valid voting identification.

Oklahoma has long stood out as a place with restrictive voting laws.

Even with an extra day for Oklahomans to cast in-person, absentee ballots, Oklahoma’s 4 1/2 days of early voting are among the fewest in the nation. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, early voting periods across the country range from four days to 45 days, with the average length being 19 days.

Oklahoma Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said the additional day will provide a convenience to voters, but he's skeptical that it will have a dramatic effect on turnout in Oklahoma.

“Generally, I think if you look around the country at states with higher turnout, I personally think it has a lot less to do with things like the number of early voting days that states have available and has a lot more to do with the amount of money political parties and candidates are spending on get-out-the-vote programs," Ziriax said.

Pat McFerron, a Republican pollster and strategist, said adding an early day of voting will likely also fend off criticism about Oklahoma's laws, which include a voter ID requirement and notarized mail-in ballots.

“I would actually say the Republican partisans I’ve spoken to are not enamored with this move,” McFerron said, “especially when you consider that generally our locations that are open early tend to really benefit Democratic candidates.

“Honestly, I don’t think this is a blatantly pro-Republican type of move at all," he added.

House Minority Leader Rep. Emily Virgin, a Democrat from the college town of Norman, said that while she's pleased the number of voting days is increasing, far more needs to be done to make voting more accessible for Oklahomans.

“It’s a step in the right direction, but it is a very small step," Virgin said. “It’s fairly hard to vote in Oklahoma, as compared to other states. We need to be doing a whole lot more in terms of increasing voter turnout."






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