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2021-05-14 08:35   美国新闻网   - 

TAKE with里克·克莱因



共和党众议员拉尔夫·诺曼说从未见过证据暴徒是实际上特朗普的支持者。Jody Hice众议员,R-Ga。,采取了相反的方法,认为“这是特朗普的支持者失去生命的人那天,不是特朗普的支持者们在夺取别人的生命”——并说了一句国会警察死于自然原因。










在国会大厦,参议员乔·曼钦,告诉美国广播公司新闻记者雷切尔·斯科特他支持约翰·刘易斯投票权法案。它的范围远比面临共和党坚定反对的《为人民服务法案》(H.R. 1)中提出的全面改革要有限得多。这是与党的领导的决裂,党的领导推动了共和党及其改革,这将是一个重大的突破系统检修。






经过一个有争议的初选季节和一个提名大会弗吉尼亚州共和党参议员阿曼达·蔡斯(Amanda Chase)充满困惑,她并没有放弃自己的说法,即选举过程受到了操纵。蔡斯是弗吉尼亚共和党州长提名的四名领先者之一,但在周末的驾车通过式大会后落选。




Trump's triumphs extend to GOP rewriting history of Nov. 3 and Jan. 6: The Note

The TAKE withRick Klein

The ouster of Rep. Liz Cheney might bethe most visiblemanifestation of the Republican Party's embrace of former PresidentDonald Trump's lies about theelection.

Buthis bigger triumphcould be in rewriting the ugly history of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. On the very day Cheney wasremoved from leadership, a staggering array of Republicanscast doubton what members of Congress themselveswitnessed at the Capitoljust four months ago.

Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., said henever saw proofthat rioters wereactually Trump supporters. Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., took the opposite approach, arguing that "it was Trump supporterswho lost their livesthat day, not Trump supporters who were taking the lives of others" -- and saying aCapitol Police officerdied that day ofnatural causes.

Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.,hit a similar themein calling the Capitol Policeshooting of Ashli Babbittas she tried tobreach the House chamberan "execution," as ABC News' Katherine Faulders and Beatrice Peterson report.

Cue Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., whotrumpeted the factthat "the House floor was never breached," and said it looked from video of that day thatprotesters behavedin an "orderly fashion."

"You would actually think it was anormal tourist visit," Clyde said.

Also Wednesday, former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller told lawmakers he"reassessed" his previous judgment-- walking back a statement where he said "it's pretty much definitive" that the attempted insurrectionwouldn't have happened withoutTrump's speech to protesters earlier on Jan. 6.

All of this comes is on top of what's become a mainstream -- though no less false Republican view -- that the election was "rigged" or otherwise stolen.

Preposterously, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said -- shortly after Cheney was ousted from leadership: "I don't think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election. That's all over with."

Cheney has said she would make it her mission not to let her partyor the country forgetJan. 6. But many of her colleagues are well along in craftingtheir own Trumpianand patently false narratives of both the election and thesubsequent attack on democracy.

The RUNDOWN withAveri Harper

Some Democrats havesignaled a willingnessto forgo party idealsin favor of making dealswith Republicans toget legislation passed.

On Capitol Hill, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.,told ABC News congressional correspondent Rachel Scottthat he is backing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Its scope is far more limited than the sweeping changes proposed in H.R. 1, the For The People Act, which faces staunch Republican opposition. It's a break with party leadership that has pushed H.R. 1 and its reforms, which would be a majoroverhaul of the system.

"(The John Lewis Voting Rights Act) could be done bipartisan to start getting confidence back in our system," said Manchin.

Over the weekend, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburnbacked away from including"qualified immunity," or lowering the standards necessary to prosecute individual officers in civil court, in police reform legislation. The topic has been asticking point in negotiationson the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and most Democrats haveframed the inclusionof qualified immunity in reform as nonnegotiable.

"If we don't get qualified immunity now, then we will come back and try to get it later," said Clyburn on CNN. "But I don't want to see us throw out a good bill because we can't get a perfect bill."

While the likelihood of Democrats completely abandoningbold ideasonhot-button issueslikevoting rightsandpolice reformis unlikely, the wavering of both Manchin and Clyburncould indicate acceptanceof what is attainable for Democrats while they boast slim majorities in both chambers of Congress.

The TIP withMeg Cunningham

After a contentious primary season and anominating conventionfull of confusion, Virginia Republican State Sen. Amanda Chase is not backing down from her assertion that the process was rigged. Chase was one of four front-runners for the Virginia GOP's gubernatorial nomination, but fell short after a drive-through convention over the weekend.

"While we came up short in yesterday's rigged convention that allowed only 53k registered voters to choose our next Governor out of 1.9 million Virginians who voted for President Trump; God is still in control," she wrote in aFacebookpost Wednesday. "While I will have more to say in the days ahead I'm spending the rest of the week at the beach with my hubby for a trip we planned months ago."

The Virginia GOP spent monthsquarreling over the formatthey'd use to determine their nominee, but ultimately settled on thedrive-through convention, a process which former GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman asserts was used to oust him from his spot in Congress.

She'd previously suggested that the election was stolen by the state party when early returns were coming in, threatening to run as an independent if the results did not end in her favor, and raised questions about the counting process in avideoposted to her Facebook page. For someone who dubbed herself "Trump in heels," once even saying that the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters were "justified" in their actions,she seems to be followingtheformer president's leadwhen it comes to accepting the election results.






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