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2019-08-11 20:23  美国新闻网  -  3073







       据称,一名枪手据称进入埃尔帕索沃尔玛,造成22人死亡,另外还有几十人受伤,一周前就被捕。根据周五公布的一份逮捕宣誓书,21岁的帕特里克·克鲁修斯(Patrick Crusius)驾车从达拉斯(Dallas)郊区前往埃尔帕索(El Paso)600多英里,以大规模射击为目标“墨西哥人”。







传统的Matachines乐队Danza St. Pius X的成员在沃尔玛以外的一个临时纪念馆附近表演,纪念2019年8月7日在德克萨斯州埃尔帕索举行的大规模枪击事件的受害者,造成22人死亡。八名墨西哥国民在袭击中丧生。Matachines传统上是为了纪念Guadelupe的圣母,或墨西哥的守护神圣母玛利亚。一名21岁的白人男性嫌疑人仍被关押在美国 - 墨西哥边境的埃尔帕索。


       Exactly one week after a shooting massacre occurred at one West Texas border town Walmart, another Walmart in another town out west in the Lone Star State was targeted.

       Police in the town of Harlingen arrested a man early Saturday morning who posed to be an "imminent threat" at a Walmart in that town. The Harlingen Police Department released a statement, calling it a "terroristic threat arrest."

       Police in Harlingen posted a statement on its Facebook page that "investigation officers learned that a male subject had used a social media site to post up an imminent threat that was to occur at the Wal-Mart in Harlingen on a specific date."

       The statement went on to say the man was located at a home in Harlingen and placed under arrest for the "Terroristic Threat" and is currently awaiting arraignment.

       The police said they will continue to investigate and file appropriate charges against anyone who "makes any threats directed toward our community with the intent to spread panic and fear."

       The arrest comes one week after a gunman allegedly entered an El Paso Walmart and killed 22 people while injuring a couple dozen others. According to an arrest affidavit released Friday, Patrick Crusius, 21, drove more than 600 miles from a Dallas suburb to El Paso to target "Mexicans" in a mass shooting.

       Crusius entered the giant retailer store with an AK-47 assault rifle and several ammo magazines for his slaughter, according to the arrest affidavit.

       About 13 hours later in downtown Dayton, Ohio, another gunman opened fire into a crowded popular nightlife district, killing nine and injuring dozens of others.

       The two shootings, with a combined death toll of 31, sparked a national debate over gun control, white supremacy, a culture of gun violence and safety measures for areas with large crowds.

       President Donald Trump visited Dayton and El Paso earlier this week, chatting with first responders and the families of victims. He was met with protests against his visits in each locale. President Trump this week also denounced hate groups, from white supremacy to antifa.

       The sales of bulletproof backpacks spiked as the start of school nears. Large cities across the country are placing extra security in shopping centers and malls as back-to-school shoppers are expected, and Walmart employees are staging a possible walkouton Monday.

       On Thursday, a man was arrested after carrying an open firearm into a Missouri Walmart. The gun was not fired.

Texas Walmart Shooting Arrest
Members of Danza St. Pius X, a traditional Matachines group, perform near a makeshift memorial outside Walmart honoring victims of a mass shooting there which left 22 people dead, on August 7, 2019 in El Paso, Texas. Eight Mexican nationals were killed in the attack. Matachines traditionally dance to honor the Virgin of Guadelupe, or Virgin Mary, the patron saint of Mexico. A 21-year-old white male suspect remains in custody in El Paso which sits along the U.S.-Mexico border.






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