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2020-11-24 14:55   美国新闻网   - 




另外两名法官加入了多诺霍,而法院的其他成员发表了不同的意见。在另一份意见中,大法官大卫·韦希特(David N. Wecht)写道,虽然他同意今年应该计算技术上有缺陷的选票,但他不认为申报上没有日期“应该被视为‘轻微违规’。”"

PHOTO: Municipal workers extract Luzerne County ballots from their envelopes, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.





在第二份同意的反对意见中,大法官凯文·多尔蒂(Kevin M. Dougherty)在首席大法官托马斯·G·塞勒(Thomas G. Saylor)和大法官莎莉·厄普代克·蒙迪(Sallie Updyke)的参与下写道,大法官同意今年应计算有缺陷的选票,并且不应因技术故障而使缺少“填写”信息(如打印的姓名或地址)的选票无效。然而,多尔蒂法官指出,“立法机关包括的术语“日期”和“标志”是不言而喻的”,他们“不认为没有日期只是我们可能忽略的技术不足。”


Trump campaign loses 5 more cases in Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Monday issued opinionsrejecting five lawsuitsfiled by the Trump campaignaimed at invalidating8,329 ballots cast in the 2020 presidential contest over technical concerns.

Three justices wrote in the majority that, "no allegations of fraud or illegality" came up in examination of the ballots.

"Failures to include a handwritten name, address or date in the voter declaration on the back of the outer envelope, while constituting technical violations of the Election Code, do not warrant the wholesale disenfranchisement of thousands of Pennsylvania voters," Justice Christine L. Donohue wrote for the majority.

Two other justices joined Donohue, while other members of the court issued separate opinions. In one separate opinion, Justice David N. Wecht wrote that while he agrees technically deficient ballots should be counted this year, he does not believe the absence of a date on the declaration "should be overlooked as a 'minor irregularity.'"

Wecht wrote, "in future elections, I would treat the date and sign requirement as mandatory ... with the omission of either item sufficient without more to invalidate the ballot in question."

Wecht concluded his concurring and dissenting opinion with the "hope that the General Assembly sees fit to refine and clarify the Election Code" in the future.

In a second concurring, dissenting opinion, Justice Kevin M. Dougherty, joined by Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor and Justice Sallie Updyke Mundy, wrote that the justices agreed the deficient ballots should be counted this year and that ballots missing "fill out" information, such as printed name or address, should not be voided due to technical faults. However, Justice Dougherty noted that "the terms "date" and "sign" -- which were included by the legislature -- are self-evident," and that they "do not view the absence of a date as a mere technical insufficiency we may overlook."

The court also ruled on a similar, separate challenge by a Republican candidate for state senate in Allegheny County contesting 2,349 ballots. The court denied that request as well.






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