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2020-11-05 16:35   美国新闻网   - 

里约热内卢——巴西里约热内卢州的检察官指控总统贾伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)的儿子在2007年至2018年担任州议员期间指挥犯罪组织和洗钱。

根据检察官办公室周三在其网站上发布的一份声明,这些指控是在10月19日针对参议员弗洛维奥·博尔索纳罗(Flávio Bolsonaro)和其他16人提出的。检察官声称,这位参议员的政府资助的工资单上有一些人不需要工作,他们必须将部分工资返还给他。

这位参议员否认犯有任何罪行,并表示,根据他在经核实的Instagram账户上发布的消息,他相信法院不会接受指控。指控是“不可战胜的,因为它缺乏任何证据的暗示。他的四名律师之一罗德里戈·罗卡(Rodrigo Roca)在一份声明中表示:“这只不过是一个令人毛骨悚然、精心策划的故事。”。

贾伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)在2018年当选,当时反腐败情绪高涨,并承诺根除犯罪。鉴于对他儿子的调查,以及他的前司法部长塞尔吉奥·莫罗(Sergio Moro)的辞职,他打击犯罪的诚意受到了怀疑。塞尔吉奥·莫罗辞职后声称,总统试图对联邦警察进行不当干预。

检察官还指控博尔索纳罗的前司机法布里西奥·奎罗斯(Fabricio Queiroz),他于6月被捕。奎罗斯是博尔索纳罗总统的老朋友,他去年说,自从指控浮出水面后,两人就没有说过话。


Brazil President's senator son charged with crimes

RIO DE JANEIRO -- Prosecutors in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro state have charged a son of President Jair Bolsonaro with commanding a criminal organization and laundering money when he was a state lawmaker between 2007 and 2018.

The charges were leveled against Sen. Flávio Bolsonaro and 16 others on Oct. 19, according to a statement the public prosecutors’ office posted to its website on Wednesday. Prosecutors allege the senator had people on his government-funded payroll who weren't required to work and who had to return part of their salaries to him.

The senator denied having committed any crime and said he was confident that courts wouldn’t accept the charge, according to a message he posted to his verified Instagram account. The accusation is “inviable because it is devoid of any hint of proof. It's nothing more than a macabre and badly engineered tale,” one of his four lawyers, Rodrigo Roca, said in a statement.

Jair Bolsonaro was elected in 2018 on a wave of anti-corruption sentiment and with promises to root out crime. His crimefighting bona fides have faced skepticism in light of the investigation into his sons, as well as the resignation of his former Justice Minister Sergio Moro, who quit and alleged that the president had sought to intervene inappropriately in the federal police.

Prosecutors also charged Fabrício Queiroz, Sen. Bolsonaro’s former driver, who was arrested in June. Queiroz is a longtime friend of President Bolsonaro, who said last year that the two hadn’t spoken since the allegations surfaced.

Police found Queiroz hiding out at a home belonging to a man who was previously a lawyer for both the president and Sen. Bolsonaro.






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