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2020-09-19 17:36   美国新闻网   - 







美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)的乔恩·卡尔(Jon Karl)在新闻发布会上指出,特朗普在波多黎各问题上的立场发生了逆转,他引用了特朗普此前抨击该地区腐败的言论,并誓言不批准额外的援助。他还质疑为什么总统改变了他对国会给波多黎各钱的立场。


Trump administration announces nearly $13 billion in aid to Puerto Rico

The White House announced Friday nearly $13 billion in federal aid to help rebuild Puerto Rico's electrical grid system and the education system.

The funding is a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), and the announcement comes as Puerto Rico continues to struggle to fully recover from the devastation of Hurricane Maria three years ago.

While touting his administration's action in Puerto Rico by sending additional federal assistance, President Donald Trump said, "I'm the best thing to happen to Puerto Rico."

"We're bringing Puerto Rico back and we'll have it very quickly," Trump added.

Speaking from the White House podium, Trump blamed Democrats for blocking funding for Puerto Rico and said that former Vice President Joe Biden "devastated the island of Puerto Rico."

"In a sense they were voting to destroy Puerto Rico and we're bringing Puerto Rico back," Trump said.

ABC News' Jon Karl pointed out at the presser Trump's reversal on Puerto Rico, citing Trump previously blasting the territory for corruption and vowing to not approve additional aid. He also questioned why the president changed his stance on Congress giving money to Puerto Rico.

Trump responded, "Because we're building it up as a great medical, pharmaceutical, manufacturing area where, you know, we are going to be taking back a lot of the business that we let go for years and we are going to bring it back."






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