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2020-06-18 09:57   美国新闻网   - 


周三是参议院商业委员会对波音737 Max展开调查以来举行的第三次听证会波音飞机在两起导致346人死亡的致命车祸后。

2019年3月,埃塞俄比亚航空公司302号航班在起飞后仅6分钟就在亚的斯亚贝巴机场附近坠毁,机上人员全部遇难。这是五个月内第二起涉及波音737 Max的坠机事件。2018年10月,雄狮航空610航班在印度尼西亚海岸坠入爪哇海之前仅飞行了13分钟。









波音公司的737 Max仍是众多正在进行的调查的对象,包括美国司法部和证券交易委员会的调查。














2019年7月17日,在华盛顿特区,代表埃塞俄比亚航空公司302号航班家属的ET302号航班受害者萨姆亚·斯图莫(Samya Stumo)的父亲迈克尔·斯图莫(Michael Stumo)和保罗·恩乔戈(Paul Njoroge)在众议院运输和基础设施航空小组委员会关于“航空安全状况”的听证会上作证。




Lawmakers accuse FAA chief of 'stonewalling' investigation into Boeing 737 Max

Fifteen months after the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max, lawmakers accused theFederal Aviation Administration(FAA) of stonewalling their investigation into the certification of the troubled jet and introduced bipartisan legislation that if passed will reform the way the agency certifies aircraft.

Wednesday marked the third hearing the Senate Commerce Committee has held on the Boeing 737 Max since it launched its investigation into theBoeing planefollowing two fatal crashes that killed a total of 346 people.

Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed near Addis Ababa airport just six minutes after takeoff, killing all on board, in March 2019. It was the second crash involving a Boeing 737 Max within five months. In October 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 was airborne for only 13 minutes before it plunged into the Java Sea off the coast of Indonesia.

Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., in his opening statement expressed "profound frustration" with the FAA's "lack of responsiveness" to most of the committee's requests for documents -- some of them directly relating to the certification of the Boeing 737 Max.

Wicker said the lack of responses forced committee staff to seek interviews with FAA staff in October, but the "response and handling" of those requests has been "very slow" -- resulting in the interviews of four FAA staff members within seven months.

"It's hard not to conclude your team at the FAA has deliberately attempted to keep us in the dark," Wicker said, adding he can only assume that the agency's "stonewalling" of the committee's investigation "suggests discomfort for what might ultimately be revealed."

Steve Dickson chief of the Federal Aviation Administration, testifies before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure during a hearing on Dec. 11, 2019.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Mass., told FAA Administrator Steve Dickson he believes since Dickson took control of the agency on Aug. 12 the "culture of secrecy at the FAA has only been aggravated" and that he sees no way he can continue in his job if he fails to be more responsive.

"The fact of the matter is that the FAA has been complicit inthese crashesby failing to do more diligent oversight," Blumenthal said.

Dickson pushed back against the portrayal of the agency as "unresponsive," telling lawmakers he is "totally committed to the oversight process."

"I hear your frustration and it is not OK with me," Dickson said. "I am trying to promote a culture, both within the agency, and really with all of our stakeholders of transparency and openness."

Boeing’s 737 Max is still the subject of numerous ongoing investigations, including probes by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Will the 737 Max crashes lead to changes in the way aircraft are certified?

On Tuesday, Sen. Wicker alongside Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., introduced The Aircraft Safety and Certification Reform Act of 2020.

Under the current Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) program mandated by Congress,some of the aircraft certification process is delegatedto manufacturers like Boeing. Critics of the ODA program say the fact that Boeing was able to influence the certification of the 737 Max represents a conflict of interest. However, some defend the program and say that there is sufficient FAA oversight from start to finish during the aircraft certification process.

In this March 11, 2019, rescuers work at the scene of an Ethiopian Airlines flight crash near Bishoftu, or Debre Zeit, south of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Dickson referred to ODA as a process that is "based on trust."

"I would say it's a trust but verify system," Dickson explained, "and it's a privilege, it has to be earned."

Cantwell said that if passed, the new bill would "revamp the ODA" and "make sure that the FAA stay's in the driver's seat of certification."

"Our bill will end any semblance of self certification," Cantwell claimed.

When will the 737 Max fly again?

Boeing is aiming to conductits 737 Max certification test flight(s) with FAA pilots -- a key step in the eventual ungrounding of the plane -- at the end of the month, sources confirmed to ABC News.

Last week Boeing sent airlines draft, unapproved pilot training materials "to assist" them" in the development of their own training programs," according to sources at two U.S. airlines.

These are signs that Boeing is getting closer to the end of its already more than year-long revision process. However, even if the FAA certification flight occurs at the end of this month, it is unlikely the MAX will be ungrounded before September, sources familiar with the matter explained.

Dickson repeated in his opening statement on Wednesday that the FAA’s "process is not guided by a calendar or schedule" and that "safety is the driving consideration."

Michael Stumo, father of Flight ET302 victim Samya Stumo, and Paul Njoroge, representing the families of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, testify before a House Transportation and Infrastructure Aviation Subcommittee hearing on "State of Aviation Safety" in the aftermath of two deadly Boeing 737 MAX crashes since October, in Washington, D.C., July 17, 2019.

A former Air Force and commercial pilot, Dickson pledged again in front of lawmakers that he will not sign off on the aircraft until he flies the plane himself and once he is satisfied that he would put his own family on it "without a second thought."

After the certification flight, the next hurdle is establishing pilot training requirements. Each U.S. airline must also get its own individual training plans approved by the FAA, and train its pilots, which is expected to require some simulator time.

The CEO of the largest U.S. operator of the Max, Southwest CEO Gary Kelly, has said he expects the Max will return to service by the end of the fourth quarter.






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