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2020-05-29 10:15   美国新闻网   - 












Biden Will Pick Up Sanders Voters, Win Presidency if He Chooses Warren as VP, Leading Democratic Pollster Predicts

A political strategist who has advised Democratic politicians as well as leaders around the world for decades has reportedly told Joe Biden that Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is the "obvious" pick for his running mate.

Stan Greenberg, who worked as a pollster for President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and South African President Nelson Mandela, among others, offered his advice on whom Biden should select as his vice president during a meeting with Biden's campaign advisers earlier this month, Politico reported Thursday.

During the meeting, Greenberg said, "Senator Warren is the obvious solution," the news outlet reported.

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden in the eighth Democratic presidential debate on February 7. Biden's campaign is reportedly considering Warren for his running mate.

Rumors about whom Biden will choose as his running mate have been swirling since the former vice president became the presumptive Democratic nominee last month. After vowing to pick a woman in mid-March, Biden said Wednesday he might announce his decision by the end of July or early August. Warren is one of several politicians he has been considering for the role.

Several polls have shown many Democrats, especially younger voters, have yet to rally behind Biden the way he needs them to in order to win in November. While Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an earlier contender for the nomination, suspended his campaign and endorsed Biden in mid-April, a Wall Street Journal report last week said fewer than 3 percent of Sanders' supporters have donated to Biden's campaign. In addition, Sanders continues to collect votes in state primaries even though he ended his campaign.

Though Warren has also continued to collect votes in some state primaries after ending her bid for the nomination on March 5, she did not place first or second in any presidential primary—including her home state of Massachusetts—while she was still in the race. Even so, Greenberg said her left-leaning policies could attract more liberal voters to Biden's cause, according to Politico.

Recent polling has supported Greenberg's theory, as voters have weighed in on whom they most want for Biden's running mate. A CBS News poll published in early May found that about 7 in 10 Democratic voters preferred Warren over other potential picks, and a Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted this month showed that she would have a better impact on Biden's chances in November than any other woman in consideration.

Newsweek reached out to Biden's campaign and Warren's office for comment but did not hear back before publication.

While many recent polls have found Biden leading Donald Trump nationally, voter support for the Democratic candidate and the president appeared to be close in some key swing states earlier this week. After Hillary Clinton's election loss in 2016, many Democrats remain concerned about Biden's ability to unite the party in time for a victory this fall.

In his meeting with Biden's campaign officials, Greenberg acknowledged the obstacles in the former vice president's path to victory, Politico reported. "The biggest threat to Democrats in 2020 is the lack of support and disengagement of millennials and the fragmentation of non-Biden primary voters," he said.






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