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2020-05-27 10:11   美国新闻网   - 

















Disapproval of Donald Trump Climbs Higher As Coronavirus Death Toll Nears 100,000 in U.S.

President Donald Trump's disapproval rating has continued to climb this month as coronavirus deaths have neared 100,000 in the U.S., according to new data.

The FiveThirtyEight approval rating tracker found that Trump's average disapproval rating stood at 53.5 percent on Monday—putting it at its highest level since mid-January.

By comparison, the president's average approval rating slumped to 42.7 percent—a little more than three points down on his post-acquittal peak last month.

Trump's net disapproval rating stood at just under 11 percentage points as of Monday, according to the FiveThirtyEight polling average.

President Donald Trump speaks to the press on the South Lawn of the White House prior to departing on Marine One May 21, 2020 in Washington, DC.

The fall in the president's average approval rating came as U.S. coronavirus deaths topped the 98,000 mark, accounting for more than a quarter of COVID-19 deaths worldwide.

According to the Johns Hopkins University tracker, more than 1.6 million coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the U.S. thus far, along with 98,223 related deaths and 379,157 total recoveries.

Brazil and Russia, the countries with the second and third highest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases, have recorded less than a quarter of the confirmed cases in the U.S.

Despite the ongoing spread of the virus, all 50 states have started reopening to varying degrees, with some allowing restaurants and bars to start business again as other states only lifted restrictions on workplaces and outdoor areas.

President Trump has repeatedly encouraged state authorities to reopen the country and its economy as pandemic-related business closures and job losses mount.

A YouGov poll published last Friday found that 53 percent of surveyed Americans either "strongly" or "somewhat" disapproved of the commander-in-chief's handling of the COVID-19 outbreak.

More than three-quarters of adults (77 percent) also said they believed Trump could have done more to reduce the damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic if he had acted sooner.

Asked whether they personally trusted the president to be honest about the threat posed by the novel coronavirus, 56 percent told pollsters they did not trust Trump.

A majority also said they were more concerned about the novel coronavirus' impact on public health (62 percent) than the economic impact of the pandemic.

Almost seven-in-ten (69 percent) said they were concerned about the U.S. lifting restrictions too quickly in an effort to boost the economy out of its downturn.

Sixty-five percent told pollsters America should fully reopen when public health officials were able to track and trace new coronavirus cases, while only 35 percent said the U.S. needed to be reopened as soon as possible to curb the economic damage of the pandemic.






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