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2020-03-24 11:36  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:当地时间3月3日,美国总统初选迎来“超级星期二”。图为当天在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的一处投票点。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄







New crown affects us presidential primary: at least 13 states delay voting

The novel coronavirus pneumonia has been delayed by the election of the US at least 13 states, and the US government may warn that the epidemic may last for weeks or even months, and more states may postpone the election arrangements, which will cast a shadow over the November presidential election, according to the World Journal.
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Information chart: on March 3 local time, the US presidential primary ushered in "Super Tuesday". The picture shows a polling place in Arlington, Virginia that day. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
According to reports, at present, only half of the US presidential primary has been held, and 23 states have not yet voted, which makes election officials have a headache. "We usually deal with natural disasters and other problems such as hurricanes and wildfires, but now we are facing the threat of a rapidly spreading and expanding epidemic, and we don't know when it will be over," said Georgia's director of election
Georgia, Ohio, Maryland, Indiana, Louisiana, Connecticut and Kentucky have all extended their scheduled primaries to may or June. The Rhode Island election authority has also proposed extending them to June. Wisconsin officials are still debating whether the voting date should be changed.
Arizona, Florida and Illinois held their primaries as scheduled on the 17th, while Ohio stopped voting for the day because federal authorities urged people over 65 not to go out.
In addition to the presidential election, many congressmen and local public primaries have also been affected. Although officials say the delay will give them more time to deploy and allow people to vote safely, including changing the location of polling places, recruiting backup personnel and preparing more disinfection supplies, it is not clear whether it will be safer to vote in May or June,
Some government officials have urged more postal voting, but some states have to legislate or amend the constitution to do so. Election experts say that even if these legal barriers are overcome, voting by mail is still expensive and faces difficulties. For example, whether the postage should be paid by taxpayers or voters, and whether new machines and software should be installed to track, process and count the votes mailed, etc.
As of 23, novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed in 644 cases in Pennsylvania. Governor Wolff said the Pennsylvania primary would be postponed from April 28 to June 2. At the same time, he issued a home epidemic prevention order for six counties under the state.


下一篇:拜登挑竞选搭档 奥巴马“支招”




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