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《华邮》曝情报界早就警告病毒 川普持续忽略

2020-03-22 15:56   美国新闻网   - 


《华邮》曝情报界早就警告病毒 川普持续忽略_图1-1

一位美国官员说,情报机构“自一月以来就一直对此发出警告”。川普可能没想到事情到今天这个地步,但政府中的许多其他人都预见到了,他们只是无力让他对此做任何举措,”这位官员说。 “系统闪烁着红色警报。”
据知情人士透露,1月27日,白宫多名助手与当时任幕僚长米克•马瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney)一起,试图让高级官员更多地关注这种病毒。白宫国内政策委员会负责人乔•格罗根(Joe Grogan)认为,政府需要认真对待这种病毒,否则可能会使总统无法连任。
直接与格罗根交谈的人士说,到2月初,格罗根和其他人担心没有足够的检测来确定感染率。据白宫会议情况的知情人士说,包括总统国家安全副顾问马修•波廷格(Matthew Pottinger)在内的其他官员也开始呼吁采取更有力的应对措施。
五天后,川普在推文中说:“在美国,冠状病毒非常受到控制。” “股市对我来说看起来非常好!”
其中一名官员说,卫生部负责应急处理的部长助理罗伯特·卡德尔茨(Robert Kadlec)与委员会成员(包括中央情报局的情报官员)一起表态了,说该病毒构成了“严重”威胁。不过川普政府并未予以重视。
这位官员说,卡德尔茨没有提供具体的建议,但他说,要领先于这种病毒并钝化其影响,美国人需要采取可能破坏其日常生活的行动。 “这非常令人震惊。”
随着在美国确认第一批感染病例,川普继续坚持认为美国人的风险很小。他在2月10日说:“我认为情况将会很好。”四天后他说:“现在,病毒在美国的病例很少。” “大约是12个左右。其中许多都变得越来越好。有些已经完全恢复。因此,我们的情况非常好。”
2月25日,CDC高级官员南希·梅森尼尔(Nancy Messonnier)发出可能是当时最重要的公众警报,当时她对记者说,冠状病毒很可能在美国各社区传播,对日常生活的破坏将是“严重”的。两名高级政府官员称,川普在从印度访问回国路上打电话给阿扎尔,并抱怨梅森尼尔吓坏了股市。

The intelligence community has long warned of the virus, and trump continues to ignore it

According to The Washington Post, U.S. intelligence agencies compiled a classified warning in January and February about the global threat posed by the coronavirus, and President Donald Trump and lawmakers played down the threat, according to people familiar with the matter, failure to take actions likely to slow down the spread of pathogens.

The intelligence reports do not predict when the virus will reach U.S. shores, nor do they recommend specific steps that public health officials should take, issues that fall outside the purview of intelligence agencies. But they did track the spread of the virus in China and later in other countries, and warned that they believed Chinese officials appeared to be playing down the severity of the outbreak to its lowest level.

In sum, the report paints an early picture of the spread of a virus that is characteristic of a global epidemic and may require rapid government action to contain it. But despite the reports, Donald Trump continues to downplay the threat to Americans, both publicly and privately. Lawmakers did not get serious about the virus until this month, when officials across the country began clamoring for people to stay at home.

An American official said intelligence agencies had "been warning about this since January. ". Trump may not have seen it coming, but many others in the administration saw it coming, and they just couldn't get him to do anything about it, " the official said. "The system is flashing a red alert. "

A spokesman for the Central Intelligence Agency declined to comment, while a White House spokesman rejected criticism of trump's reaction.

U.S. Health Secretary Adjara Autonomous Republic noted that the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had held discussions with his Chinese colleagues as early as Jan. 3, alerting officials to the initial reports of the virus.

The number of warnings from U.S. intelligence agencies increased from late January to early February, intelligence officials familiar with the matter said. By then, most of the intelligence reports in the daily briefings and in the office of the director of National Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency summaries were about the new coronavirus, officials who had read the reports said.

On Jan. 27, White House aides, along with then chief of Staff Mick, tried to get senior officials to pay more attention to the virus, according to people familiar with the matter. Joe Grogan, head of the White House's Domestic Policy Committee, said the government needed to take the virus seriously or risk the president not being re-elected.

Mawani then began holding more routine meetings. But in an earlier briefing, officials said trump was dismissive because he did not believe the virus had spread widely across the United States.

People who spoke directly to Grogan said that by early February, Grogan and others were concerned that there were not enough tests to determine infection rates. Other officials, including the president's Deputy National Security Adviser, Matthew Pottinger, also began calling for a stronger response, according to people briefed on the White House meeting.

But Donald Trump ignored that, and went on to reassure Americans that the coronavirus would never go out of control like other countries. "I don't think it's a problem, " Donald Trump said Feb. 19. "I think when we go into April, the warmer weather has a very negative effect on the virus. "

Five days later, "In the U.S. , the coronavirus is very controlled, " Donald Trump tweeted. "The stock market looks very good to me! "

But at the beginning of the month, a senior health department official sent a different message to the Senate Intelligence Committee, and in a classified briefing, four U.S. officials said the coronavirus had implications for global health.

The Health Ministry's Assistant Minister for Emergency Response, Robert Kadlec, joined committee members, including Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officials, in saying the virus posed a "serious" threat, one of the officials said. But the Donald Trump government did not take it seriously.

The official said Kadertz offered no specific recommendations, but said Americans needed to take action that could disrupt their daily lives to stay ahead of the virus and blunt its effects. "This is very shocking, "

Said a person familiar with the situation, as the disease spread beyond China and U.S. intelligence agencies tracked outbreaks in Iran, South Korea, Italy and elsewhere in Europe. Much of the information comes from public sources, including news reports and official statements, but much of it also comes from confidential intelligence sources. As new cases have emerged, the number of reports has skyrocketed.

With the first confirmed cases of infection in the United States, trump continues to insist that the risk to Americans is small. "I think it's going to be fine, " he said Feb. 10. Four days later, he said, "right now, there are very few cases of the virus in the United States. ". Many of them are getting better and better. Some are fully recovered. So we are in a very good position."

In perhaps the most important public alert of the day, Nancy Messonnier, a senior CDC official, told reporters on Feb. 25 that the coronavirus was likely to spread in communities across the United States and that the disruption to daily life would be "severe. ". On the way home from a visit to India, Donald Trump called Adjara Autonomous Republic and complained that he had spooked the stock market, according to two senior administration officials.

According to people familiar with Donald Trump, Donald Trump's final change of heart came when Deborah Burks, coordinator of the White House coronavirus outbreak response team, showed Donald Trump a statistical model of how the virus spreads in other countries, and heard directly from ceos of big companies who were shocked by the stock market crash.

But by then, there were signs everywhere that a major epidemic was in the offing.


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