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桑德斯“重新评估”竞选活动 团队否认将退选

2020-03-19 19:16  中国新闻网   - 


资料图:美国民主党总统竞选人、佛蒙特州联邦参议员桑德斯。中新社记者 张蔚然 摄






Sanders' reassessment campaign team denies it will drop out

A spokesman for Democratic presidential candidate Sanders denied reports of his exit from the presidential election, the Associated Press reported.
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Infographic: Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Sanders of Vermont. Photographed by Zhang Weiran, reporter of China News Agency
Earlier Friday, Sanders campaign manager shacker said Sanders would talk to supporters to assess his campaign. He also said Sanders was not in a rush to make a decision to drop out of the race "at least three weeks before the next primary competition.".
He said that at present, Sanders is more concerned about the government's measures to deal with the outbreak of coronavirus and ensure the interests of vulnerable groups.
Subsequently, US media reported that Sanders would withdraw from the election, prompting its spokesman Casca to clarify that Sanders did not withdraw from the election, "this morning's statement has not changed."
At the same time, its team stopped recently purchased campaign ads on Google and Facebook.
Novel coronavirus pneumonia was postponed in March 17th, the third super Tuesday of the two party presidents. After the three state primaries of the day, President trump locked in the Republican presidential nomination; on the Democratic side, former Vice President Biden won all three states, and continued to expand his leading edge over Senator Sanders. Analysts pointed out that the rapid spread of the epidemic in the United States has not only seriously impacted the advancement of the electoral process, but also reshaped the face of the election itself.


上一篇: 佛罗里达州代表是两个冠状病毒检测呈阳性的国会议员中的第一个,在周六出现症状




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