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2020-03-18 15:37  中国新闻网   - 



资料图:美联储主席鲍威尔。<a target='_blank'  data-cke-saved-href='http://www.chinanews.com/' href='http://www.chinanews.com/'>中新社</a>记者 陈孟统 摄
资料图:美联储主席鲍威尔。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄




































On March 17, people from all over the world witnessed history together with Warren Buffett, the God of stocks. But this time, it's not the collapse of American stocks.
After the failure of the Fed's "interest rate cut to zero + quantitative easing" to the stock market, on March 17 local time, the Fed offered a "big weapon" of the financial crisis, and the U.S. government also announced that it would launch a new round of economic stimulus plan. U.S. stocks rebounded in response, and the Dow regained 21000 points.
Infographic: Federal Reserve Chairman Powell. < a target = ''u blank' href ='http://www.chinanews.com/ ', directed by Chen Meng, journalist of China News Agency
Infographic: Federal Reserve Chairman Powell. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
US Federal Reserve restarts commercial paper financing mechanism
——Used only in the 2008 financial crisis and the Great Depression of the last century
On March 17, the Federal Reserve officially announced the resumption of commercial paper financing mechanism. U.S. Treasury Secretary manuchin said he had sent a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Powell asking for the establishment of a commercial paper financing mechanism for enterprises.
The commercial paper fund will provide short-term credit to help U.S. businesses manage their finances during the outbreak, and the Fed's commercial paper tool will support a $1 trillion credit market, Mr. mnuchin said.
Under section 13, paragraph 3, of the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve may create special financing instruments with the approval of the Treasury. This clause authorizes the Federal Reserve to provide loans to any entity other than the bank "in extraordinary times and emergencies", including individuals, partnerships and companies, i.e. any individual or entity with good reputation.
Previously, the Fed used this provision in 2008 and the great depression. To restore the liquidity of the financial system, on October 7, 2008, the Federal Reserve announced a large number of purchases of short-term unsecured commercial paper of enterprises. At the time, the move meant that for the first time since the great depression, the Fed bypassed banks and lent directly to US companies.
According to foreign media reports, U.S. Treasury Secretary manuchin also said he would launch a $1 trillion economic stimulus plan, including $300 billion in loans to small businesses, $200 billion to maintain stability, and two rounds of $250 billion in checks. Consider issuing checks to Americans in the next two weeks to ease the impact of the outbreak on the U.S. economy.
Dow Jones index 17 trend chart.
Dow Jones index 17 trend chart.
Violence in the US stock market
——The Dow closed over a thousand points higher and European stocks took a breath
On March 17, after 16 days of "roller coaster ride", the three major stock indexes rose more than 2% in the opening session. The initial gains were reversed. The three major stock indexes once turned green, and the Dow Jones index fell below the 20000 point integer threshold.  After the Fed offered a "big weapon" to deal with the financial crisis, the stock index Jedi made a big counterattack and the violence rose.  Subsequently, news of the US government's planned $1 trillion economic stimulus plan continued to boost the market.
By the end of the day, the Dow was up 1048.86 points, or 5.20%, at 21237.38; the Nasdaq was up 6.23%, at 7334.78; the S & P 500 was up 6.00%, at 2529.19.
U.S. anti epidemic concept stocks soared, U.S. anti epidemic concept stocks biontech jumped 66.5%, and Pfizer closed up 6.56%, after the two sides announced joint research and development of a potential new coronavirus vaccine.
U.S. stocks held up and European stocks took a breather. European stocks closed higher on Tuesday, with Germany's DAX up 2.25% to 8939.1, France's CAC40 up 2.84% to 3991.78, and Britain's FTSE 100 up 2.79% to 5294.9.
However, under the double blow of the global spread of the epidemic and the oil price war, international oil prices continued to fall across the board, with NYMEX crude oil futures down 6.17% to $27.21/barrel and oil distribution down 3.76% to $30.5/barrel. On April 17, Saudi Arabia announced plans to further increase crude oil exports in April and may. With the development of new oil fields, it will reach a record of more than 10 million barrels / day.
U.S. Treasury bonds are still the "sweet bread" to avoid risks. According to the fund manager survey of Bank of America in March, it is the most crowded trade to long U.S. Treasury bonds at present. This also led to a heightened liquidity panic in the US dollar, which rose 1.64% to 99.5964, the biggest one-day gain since August last year.
Daily K-line chart of S & P 500 index trend.
Daily K-line chart of S & P 500 index trend.
Market concerns
——After taking the roller coaster for 17 days, according to the plot, will it plummet again tomorrow?
The WHO statistics show novel coronavirus pneumonia cases were diagnosed as 184976 cases in the global central age 17, 16 hours (17 hours, 23 hours in Beijing), 7529 cases of deaths were reported, and 159 cases were reported.
Affected by the outbreak, UEFA officially announced that the European Cup will be postponed for one year to the summer of 2021. Even the hundreds of years of outcry trading in financial markets has been affected, with the London Metal Exchange (LME) announcing plans to temporarily close the trading circle from March 23.
It is generally believed that the stock market will reach the bottom only when more fiscal stimulus measures are introduced and the new coronavirus epidemic stops worsening. Among them, the improvement of the epidemic situation is the core element.
Mislav Matka, head of global equity strategy at JPMorgan Chase, gave three factors needed for the rebound of US stocks: first, the market can get a much more positive fiscal policy response than it is now; second, the new coronavirus epidemic began to show obvious seasonal or peak signs; third, the market pricing over predicted the possibility of economic recession.
Like JPMorgan Chase, Credit Suisse believes that only when the daily infection rate of new coronavirus reaches






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