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2020-03-17 14:50  中国新闻网   - 



资料图:美国总统特朗普。 中新社记者 陈孟统 摄


  但是,国家过敏和传染病研究所主任福契(Anthony Fauci)15日表示,这一概念“并未得到认真讨论”。他说:“现在或不久的将来,我都不会看到这种情况。但是请记住,我们对于保持美国公众健康所需采取的一切措施持开放态度”。




  报道指出,海关和边境保护局代理局长摩根(Mark Morgan)在一份声明中强调,乘客的安全与健康是重中之重,海关与边境保护局已经意识到排队时间长,已经在解决某些机场延误方面取得了成功。



Affected by the detection of new coronavirus, passengers at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago lined up at the Customs on the night of the 14th local time, causing concern, chinanews.com reported. In addition to Chicago, the same has happened at designated airports in Dallas, Washington, D.C., and New York, with many blaming the failure of customs clearance and health quarantine plans to deal with large numbers of people returning to the United States. President trump said Friday that the United States "is carrying out a very accurate medical examination of the airport.".
Novel coronavirus pneumonia confirmed that the United States had reached 3244 at 14:20 on the 15 th of the day, and 62 died, according to media reports. Johns Hopkins's University has released the real-time statistics.
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Infographic: President trump of the United States. Photo by Chen Meng, reporter of China News Agency
According to reports, at a briefing on the 14th, the White House hinted that it might restrict domestic travel in the United States. "If I don't need to travel, I won't," trump said. We hope it's over. We don't want a lot of people infected. "
However, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases, said Friday that the concept "has not been seriously discussed.". "I will not see this now or in the near future," he said. But remember, we are open to all the steps we need to take to maintain public health in the United States. ".
Trump has announced that foreign citizens from 26 European countries will face restrictions on entering the United States from the 13th, while Ireland and the United Kingdom will be on the list from the 16th local time, the report said.
The ban, initially announced, caused chaos at European airports. And after that, chaos continued to the United States. When U.S. citizens and permanent residents in Europe return to the United States, they must enter the country at a place designated by the federal government and undergo health inspection. The large amount of passenger flow in a short period of time has brought a lot of pressure to the airport logistics.
Passengers returning from London to the United States via Paris said he had waited at least six hours in line for entry and quarantine at Chicago airport.
According to the report, mark Morgan, acting director of the customs and Border Protection Agency, stressed in a statement that the safety and health of passengers are the top priority, and that CBP has realized the long queue time and has been successful in solving some airport delays.
"The waiting time experienced yesterday in some places is unacceptable," he said in a statement later on the 15th local time He said the agency's resources were "stretched", but the customs and Border Protection Agency still had to carry out its national security, drug control and exit law enforcement tasks.
"Unfortunately, in this state of national emergency, there will be a lot of people suffering and more time for passengers to enter," Morgan said. The General Administration of customs and border protection is working around the clock to minimize these inconveniences. "


上一篇:美国密苏里州发生枪击事件 包括枪手在内共5人死亡




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