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至尊公主”号数百乘客已下船 将在指定地点隔离14天

2020-03-12 17:20  中国新闻网   - 



当地时间3月9日,“至尊公主号”邮轮停靠在旧金山湾区奥克兰港。中新社记者 刘关关 摄





Hundreds of passengers have disembarked and will be quarantined for 14 days at designated locations

Hundreds of passengers have boarded and disembarked from the "supreme Princess" at the port of Auckland, US, Chinanet reported. Local time 11, the second batch of passengers disembark by air to arrive in San Diego, Southern California, mirama Marine Corps Air Station, and will be isolated for 14 days.
According to reports, the first group of passengers arrived at the military base on the 10th. Mirama Marine Corps Air Station is one of the four isolation sites selected by the U.S. Department of defense nationwide.
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On March 9 local time, the "supreme Princess" cruise ship docked at the port of Auckland, San Francisco Bay area. Photographed by Liu Guanguan, reporter of China News Agency
A novel coronavirus tested by the "Princess of the princess" contains more than 3500 people from 54 countries and at least 21 celebrities, including 19 staff members. Passengers who have novel coronavirus pneumonia will be treated in Oakland when they are off the boat.
It is reported that 962 California residents on board will be isolated at mirama Marine Corps Air Station or Travis Air Force Base in Northern California. Mirama Marine Corps Air Station can receive up to 400 evacuees.
Before San Diego County health officials can confirm how many people will be placed in the military facilities, local agencies and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) need to check passengers first.
The novel coronavirus positive passengers will be transferred from the base during isolation, and those who need hospitalization will be sent to the hospital for quarantine.


上一篇:美民主党初选:拜登再拿下4州 桑德斯恐难翻盘?




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