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2020-03-10 13:38  中国新闻网   - 


当地时间2月2日,美国民主党总统竞选人、前副总统拜登在艾奥瓦首府得梅因竞选造势。该州党团会议投票将于2月3日晚举行。中新社记者 陈孟统 摄





  然而,昆尼皮亚克大学(Quinnipiac University)的一项民意调查发现,大多数密歇根州选民(57%)认为特朗普将于11月再次当选,而32%的人认为他将输给民主党候选人。

Can we have another city? Biden leads Michigan in primary polls

On March 10, local time, Michigan will hold a primary vote. According to a new poll from Monmouth University, Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate and former vice president of the United States, is ahead of other Democratic Party candidates by a large margin.

According to reports, a 9-day poll found that Biden won 51% of the support, while its No. 1 opponent, Senator Sanders of Vermont, only 36%. Biden's victory on Super Tuesday is likely to be followed by a rich electoral vote in Michigan. Before that, Biden's Jedi counterattack in Super Tuesday made him return to the most likely candidate position from the edge of being almost eliminated.
But Monmouth University points out that there was a big deviation in Michigan's polls before the 2016 primary, which showed Hillary Clinton had a double-digit lead in the state, but Sanders won the state by a narrow margin.
According to the Monmouth poll, half of Michigan's democratic main voters are determined, 23% are open to other candidates, and 17% have voted.
According to the public opinion survey, Biden and Sanders are both ahead of trump in the hypothetical general election contest, and Biden is 7 percentage points ahead of trump and Sanders is 5 percentage points ahead of trump among all registered voters.
However, a Quinnipiac University poll found that a majority of Michigan voters (57%) thought trump would be re elected in November, while 32% thought he would lose to Democratic candidates.






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