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冠状病毒肆虐 美股本周抹去了3.18万亿元市值

2020-03-01 17:31  美国中文网   - 

      美国中文网报道 标准普尔道琼斯指数(S&P Dow Jones Indices)估计,新型冠状病毒本周令美国股市市值蒸发了3.18万亿元。


冠状病毒肆虐 美股本周抹去了3.18万亿元市值_图1-3

      据CNBC报道,该公司资深指数分析师霍华德·西尔弗布拉特(Howard Silverblatt)表示,该股指周五损失2,030亿元,周一至周四累计损失2.997万亿元。标准普尔500指数从2月19日的高点下跌了3.58万亿元。
      这一致命病毒的蔓延给市场带来了冲击。微软(Microsoft)、苹果(Apple)、耐克(Nike)、美国联合航空(United Airlines)和万事达(Mastercard)等公司都已对这种冠状病毒及其对它们收入的影响发出警告。
      联储会主席鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)周五表示,美联储正在监测这种冠状病毒对美国经济构成的风险,并承诺在必要时采取行动。之后,《华盛顿邮报》报道称,川普政府正在考虑减税,以对抗冠状病毒对经济的影响。
U.S. stocks ravaged by coronavirus wiped out 3.18 trillion yuan of market value this week

      The US Chinese Network reported that S&P Dow Jones Indices estimated that novel coronavirus wiped 3.18 trillion yuan off the market value of the US stock market this week.

This week, the market value of the U.S. stock market evaporated 3.18 trillion yuan. Associated Press Information Map

       According to CNBC, Howard Silverblatt, senior index analyst for the company, said the index lost 203 billion yuan on Friday and 2.997 trillion yuan from Monday to Thursday. The S&P 500 index fell 3.58 trillion yuan from its February 19 high.
       Stock markets plunged again on Friday as investors fled riskier assets amid strong concerns about the global economic slowdown caused by the deadly coronavirus. The three major stock indexes all retreated sharply this week, down more than 10% from their recent highs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen nearly 3,500 points since Monday.
       The spread of this deadly virus has hit the market. Companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Nike, United Airlines and Mastercard have all warned about the coronavirus and its impact on their revenues.
       Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said on Friday that the Federal Reserve was monitoring the risks posed by the coronavirus to the US economy and promised to take action if necessary. Later, the Washington Post reported that the Trump government is considering tax cuts to counter the economic impact of the coronavirus. On Friday, the stock market closed out of its low and expected the central bank or the government to make some response over the weekend.






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