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2019-11-07 19:41   美国新闻网   - 





蓝波众包的创始人霍利·菲格罗亚·奥莱利(Holly Figueroa O'Reilly)在推特上写道,此次选举“吓到了麦康奈尔”。



前战斗机飞行员艾米·麦格拉思(Amy McGrath月宣布,她将挑战麦康奈尔,争取他在参议院的席位。在2018年的选举中,她没能赢得众议院的席位,但在竞选麦康奈尔席位的头三个月里,她筹集了1000多万美元,这表明她可能有真正的机会。


特朗普并不是唯一一个没有把肯塔基州选举视为麦康奈尔不会在2021年以参议员身份回到华盛顿的信号的人。斯科特·詹宁斯(Scott Jennings)曾担任乔治·布什总统的特别助理,并在麦康奈尔2002年、2008年和2014年的竞选中担任高级职位,他在推特上写道,将选举视为一个整体非常重要。

他指的是丹尼尔·卡梅伦,他是麦康奈尔的法律顾问,赢得了选举。据报道,周二晚上,他成为该州70多年来第一位独立当选司法部长的黑人和第一位当选的共和党司法部长这 纽约时报。


moscowmitchisnext trends kentucky election bevin

参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)周二在华盛顿特区美国国会大厦举行共和党每周政策午餐会后,在记者招待会上,参议员乔尼·恩斯特(Joni Ernst)发表讲话。共和党在肯塔基州州长选举中落选后,一些人认为这是麦康奈尔将于2020年落选的标志。





After Democrats flipped Kentucky's gubernatorial office, people speculated it meant trouble for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, sending "MoscowMitchIsNext" to trend on Twitter.

As of Wednesday morning, the hashtag "MoscowMitchIsNext," had nearly 5,000 tweets tied to it with people expressing their opinion that McConnell should be worried about his place in the Senate.

During Tuesday's election, Andy Beshear, a Democrat, defeated incumbent Republican Governor Matt Bevin by a narrow margin of less than half a percentage point. Despite the close race, which Bevin refused to concede, McConnell's critics saw the Democratic victory in a historically red state to be indicative of the senior Kentucky senator's fate.

Kentucky voters first elected McConnell to his position in the Senate during the 1984 election and he's since become the longest-serving senator for the state. He's up for re-election in 2020 and some speculated his time in office may be coming to an end. McConnell has faced heavy criticism since President Donald Trump took office with some claiming he isn't loyal enough to Trump's agenda and others arguing he's not breaking with it enough. A Morning Consult poll conducted in July also found him to be the most unpopular senator.

Holly Figueroa O'Reilly, the founder of Blue Wave Crowdsource, an organization that turns online activism into ground campaign support for Democratic candidates, wrote on Twitter that the election was "scaring the pants" off McConnell.

Despite the gubernatorial loss, Trump, who campaigned for Bevin during a Monday night rally, claimed on Twitter that Kentucky's election showed McConnell would "win big" in 2020. O'Reilly responded to the president's tweet with the comment that the Senate majority leader would "beg" for the president to not stump for him ahead of the election.

Jon Cooper, chairman of The Democratic Coalition expressed the sentiment in a Tuesday night tweet that McConnell was the only person going to sleep worse than Bevin.

Former fighter pilot Amy McGrath announced in July that she would challenge McConnell for his seat in the Senate. During the 2018 election, she fell short of winning a spot in the House of Representatives, but she raised more than $10 million within the first three months of her campaign for McConnell's seat, indicating she may have a real shot at it.

Some people used the "MoscowMitchIsNext" hashtag to promote McGrath and share that they were donating to her campaign with the hopes she could oust the longtime senator.

Trump wasn't the only one who didn't see the Kentucky election to be a telltale sign that McConnell wouldn't return to Washington, D.C., as a senator in 2021. Scott Jennings, who served as a special assistant to President George W. Bush and held a senior position on McConnell's 2002, 2008 and 2014 campaigns, wrote on Twitter that it was important to look at the election as a whole.

He pointed to Daniel Cameron, who served as legal counsel to McConnell, winning his election. On Tuesday night, he became the first black person to be independently elected to the position of the attorney general and the first Republican attorney general elected in the state in more than 70 years, according to The New York Times.

"Only Bevin lost, but one bad apple does not spoil the bunch," Jennings wrote on Twitter.

moscowmitchisnext trends kentucky election bevin

Senator Joni Ernst speaks as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell looks on during a press conference following the weekly Republican policy luncheon at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. After Republicans lost the gubernatorial election in Kentucky, some saw it as a sign McConnell would be voted out of office in 2020.

Kentucky voters cast ballots for eight positions Tuesday night, and Republicans, three of whom were incumbents, won all but the gubernatorial race, as reported by The New York Times.

House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, also from Kentucky, told The Hill.TV Monday that there's a "shot" McConnell could be vulnerable in 2020. However, he added that part of the reason he's polling poorly is because Trump voters don't think the senator helps the president enough—but that doesn't mean they'll break with McConnell to vote for a liberal Democrat.

Still, it might not be an easy victory for McConnell. Yarmuth added that if for some reason, Trump isn't on the 2020 ticket, the race would be "much more winnable" for a Democrat.







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