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2025-03-21 11:05 -ABC  -  341971




  当被美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)问及当局如何确定移民是否是帮派成员时,白宫新闻秘书卡罗琳·莱维特(Karoline Leavitt)周三表示,特朗普政府“不会透露反恐行动的操作细节。”

  安耶洛·何塞·萨尔比亚(Anyelo Jose Sarbia)的妹妹米歇尔·萨拉比亚·冈萨雷斯(Michelle Sarabia Gonzalez)据信在萨尔瓦多,她在一份宣誓声明中说,两个月前,作为庇护申请程序的一部分,她和她的哥哥去进行一次例行的冰上检查,官员不允许她的哥哥离开。

  冈萨雷斯说:“警察问我,我哥哥是否属于一个帮派,还问我他手上有一个明显的纹身。”。"他左手上的纹身是一朵以金钱为花瓣的玫瑰."Gonzalez在她的声明中说,她的兄弟不属于Tren de Aragua。


  律师斯蒂芬妮·金特罗(Stephanie Quintero)说,一名ICE特工告诉她的当事人,“你们都不知道自己有多幸运。你们都中了彩票,因为你们今天不会被驱逐出境。”

  Quintero说,她的当事人和其他几名被拘留者被从飞机上带走,送回El Valle拘留中心。





  被认为在萨尔瓦多的委内瑞拉移民E.V .的代理律师奥斯汀·蒂埃里(Austin Thierry)表示,他的当事人没有接到驱逐令,移民法官将于6月举行听证会。

  蒂埃里说,E.V .有一个小儿子是美国公民。据Thierry说,在ICE官员出现在E.V .家寻找另一个人之后,他被拘留。

  蒂埃里说:“自从E.V .被拘留以来,他的伴侣和年幼的儿子一直在努力支付他们的费用和维持住房。”



  来自委内瑞拉的职业足球运动员杰斯·雷耶斯·巴里奥斯(Jerce Reyes Barrios)在一次示威活动后抗议马杜罗政权,并被拘留和遭受酷刑,他的代理律师莱恩特·托宾(Linette Tobin)说,他的当事人是被诬告有帮派背景的纹身。


  前DHS官员Deborah Fleischaker驳回了ICE官员本周早些时候提交的一份声明,该声明声称,被指控的帮派成员被驱逐出境,因为ICE不准备拘留TdA成员。



  美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)的律师在一份文件中表示,被送往萨尔瓦多的移民“面临着恶劣的监狱条件,并因监狱中的系统性虐待而危及生命。”



  Lawyers say some deported by Trump administration weren't gang members, were targeted for tattoos

  In several sworn declarations, attorneys, relatives and a former official for the Department of Homeland Security have pushed back on the Trump administration'sdeportationlast weekend of Venezuelan migrants to a notorious prison in El Salvador.

  The declarations, which were filed overnight Wednesday, detail how some of the migrants were detained and how they were transferred to detention facilities in Texas before being sent to El Salvador. The declarations also allege that many of the migrants donot have tiesto the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua or have any criminal records.

  An official with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcementacknowledgedin a sworn declaration earlier this week that "many" of the noncitizens deported under the Alien Enemies Act did not have criminal records in the United States.

  When asked by ABC News about how authorities are determining if migrants are gang members, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said on Wednesday that the Trump administration is "not going to reveal operational details about a counterterrorism operation."

  Michelle Sarabia Gonzalez, the sister of Anyelo Jose Sarbia, who is believed to be in El Salvador, said in a sworn declaration that when she and her brother went to a routine ICE check-in two months ago as part of the asylum application process, officials did not allow her brother to leave.

  "The officers asked me whether my brother belonged to a gang and about a tattoo that is visible on his hand," Gonzalez said. "The tattoo on his left hand is of a rose with money as petals." Gonzalez said in her declaration that her brother is not affiliated with Tren de Aragua.

  In several declarations, attorneys described how their clients were placed on a plane for deportation but were removed because a Temporary Restraining Order was issued before the plane departed.

  Attorney Stephanie Quintero said her client was told by an ICE agent, "You all do not know how lucky you are. You all hit the lottery because you are not getting deported today."

  Quintero said her client and several other detainees were removed from the plane and sent back to El Valle Detention Center.

  Attorney also described how authorities brought them by bus to the plane after taking them out of detention centers in Texas over the weekend.

  "They were chained from top to bottom -- wrists, waist, ankles, chains which came up through their backs so they could barely move," said Quintero.

  One of the detainees, Quintero said, almost passed out on the bus "from heat exhaustion and dehydration and started bleeding profusely from his nose."

  "The detainees notified the guards, but they did not provide that person with medical attention," Quintero said. The incident was also mentioned in a declaration from another immigration attorney.

  Austin Thierry, an attorney who represents a Venezuelan migrant named E.V. who is believed to be in El Salvador, said his client did not have removal orders and has a hearing scheduled before an immigration judge in June.

  Thierry said E.V. has an infant son who is a U.S. citizen. According to Thierry, E.V. was detained after ICE officials showed up to his house looking for another individual.

  "Since E.V.'s detention, his partner and infant son have struggled to meet their expenses and maintain housing," Thierry said.

  Thierry said he believes his client's crown tattoo "may be why ICE falsely accused him of gang membership."

  "This crown is not related to Tren de Aragua, but rather a tribute to his grandmother whose date of death appears at the base of the crown," Thierry said.

  Attorney Linette Tobin, who represents Jerce Reyes Barrios, a professional soccer player from Venezuela who protested the Maduro regime and was detained and tortured after one of the demonstrations, said his client wasfalsely accusedof having a gang-affiliated tattoo.

  "He chose this tattoo because it is similar to the logo for his favorite soccer team Real Madrid," said Tobin.

  Deborah Fleischaker, a former DHS official, pushed back on a declaration filed earlier this week by an ICE official who claimed that the alleged gang members were deported because ICE is not prepared to detain members of TdA.

  "ICE detention facilities in the United States are prepared to detain any noncitizen, regardless of their security risk level," said Fleischaker in her sworn declaration. "This includes people with violent criminal histories, as well as members of gangs and Foreign Terrorist Organizations."

  The former DHS official said ICE detention facilities are able to manage all levels of detainees and said that ICE could have detained the individuals safely "for the duration of their removal proceedings."

  Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union said in a filing that the migrants who were sent to El Salvador "face prison conditions that have been deemed harsh and life threatening due to systemic abuse in the prison."

  The ACLU attorneys added that the Alien Enemies Act does not provide a process for individuals to contest that they are members of the TdA or provide individuals with a "statutory grace period" to seek judicial review.

  After Trump invoked the Alien Enemies Act, lawyers said, "people with upcoming immigration proceedings started being moved overnight from ICE detention facilities around the country and not allowed to appear at their proceedings, where many were seeking asylum," the lawyers said.






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