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2019-10-15 15:37   美国新闻网   - 


       共和党众议员迈克尔·伯吉斯(Michael Burgess)将库尔德人与叙利亚政府结盟的决定归类为“不理想的结果”,但辩称国会是负责任的,而不是唐纳德·特朗普总统。唐纳德·特朗普总统上周命令美军从叙利亚东北部撤军。

       美国认为由总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)领导的叙利亚政府是敌人。美国的敌人俄罗斯和伊朗也支持阿萨德,阿萨德也得到了黎巴嫩激进组织真主党的支持,美国将真主党列为恐怖组织。直到上周,库尔德人或叙利亚民主力量(SDF)与美国结盟,美国在反对伊斯兰国(ISIS)的斗争中支持该组织。



       在周一接受CNN采访时,紧记这些事态发展,伯吉斯试图将责任从特朗普转移到国会。得克萨斯州共和党代表说:“这不是理想的结果,但看起来,这不仅仅是总统。” “国会在这里发挥了作用,没有加紧履行它。”




       伊利诺伊州共和党代表亚当·金津格周日在接受哥伦比亚广播公司《面对国家》采访时说:“坦率地说,它很薄弱。” 他说:“我看不到总统打败ISIS的诺言是他竞选中最大的诺言。因为我认为这将使之重新振作。”


       前副总统切尼的女儿切尼说:“我还想说,正在进行的弹each程序以及民主党人为削弱该总统所做的一切。” “土耳其人选择这一时刻来越过边界并不是偶然的。”


       Republican Congressman Michael Burgess classified the Kurds decision to ally with the Syrian government as "not the ideal outcome," but argued that Congress was responsible, not President Donald Trump, who last week ordered U.S. troops to withdraw from northeastern Syria.

       The U.S. considers the Syrian government, which is led by President Bashar al-Assad, to be an enemy. American foes Russia and Iran also back Assad, who is also supported by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which the U.S. classifies as a terrorist organization. Until last week, the Kurds – or the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – were allied with the U.S., which was backing the group in the fight against the Islamic State (or ISIS).

       However, Trump's decision to withdraw the U.S. military left the group feeling abandoned and exposed to Turkey. Turkish forces quickly advanced into Syria after the American withdrawal, which came after Trump spoke with the country's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan last Sunday. Turkey has long viewed the Kurds as an adversary, and Turkish-backed forces reportedly began attacking and killing Kurdish fighters and civilians.

Turkish soldiers
Turkish soldiers and Turkey-backed Syrian fighters gather on the northern outskirts of the Syrian city of Manbij near the Turkish border on October 14, as Turkey and its allies continue their assault on Kurdish-held border towns in northeastern Syria

       Pressed on these developments in a Monday interview with CNN, Burgess attempted to shift blame away from Trump and onto Congress. "It's not an ideal outcome but look, this was not just the president," the GOP representative from Texas argued. "The Congress had a role here and didn't step up and fulfill it."

       Throughout his interview, Burgess argued correctly that Congress had never formally authorized an American offensive in Syria. But he also lamented that the Turkish advance came while Congress was on a recess, suggesting that was the reason—not Trump's withdrawal—that the Kurds had been attacked and decided to ally with Assad's government.

       "I support the president in his effort to remove the United States from entanglements abroad that have diminished our treasury and sacrificed United States lives," Burgess asserted.

       Despite Burgess's defense of the president, many leading Republicans in Congress have slammed Trump for withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria. The move has allowed hundreds of ISIS affiliates and several ISIS fighters to escape from detention camps. ISIS has also appeared to ramp up attacks in the wake of the American pull-out.

       "Frankly it's weak," Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois said during an interview with CBS' Face the Nation on Sunday. "I don't see how it follows through on the president's promise, his biggest promise in the campaign, to defeat ISIS. Because I think it's going to resurge," he said.

       Although a large number of Republican lawmakers have lobbed similar criticism at Trump's decision, GOP Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming argued on Monday in an interview with Fox News that Democrats are somehow responsible for Turkey's aggression against the Kurds.

       "I also want to say that the impeachment proceedings that are going on and what the Democrats are doing themselves to try to weaken this president is part of this," Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, argued. "It was not an accident that the Turks chose this moment to roll across the border."






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