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2019-10-12 15:10   美国新闻网   - 



       联邦调查局反情报部门前助理主任弗兰克·菲格里兹(Frank Figliuzzi)周四对迈克·卢皮卡(Mike Lupica)播客发表了评论,同时试图对当前的状况发出警报。



       在菲格利齐发表评论之前,白宫律师帕特·西波隆(Pat Cipollone)向众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)发送了八页的信,告知佩洛西白宫将不配合弹each程序。


       菲格利齐说:“我们就是那只热着锅的青蛙。” “我们不一定理解这个锅正在升温到杀死我们的地步,在这种情况下,这会杀死我们的民主或至少我们的民主形式。


唐纳德·特朗普总统在周二举行的总统自由勋章仪式上聆听。联邦调查局反情报部门前助理主任弗兰克·菲格里兹(Frank Figliuzzi)表示,他认为特朗普对美国民主构成威胁。


       菲格利齐说:“我是一名领导力学生,我在联邦调查局的内部事务和职业责任办公室度过了一部分职业。” “我最终被任命为联邦调查局局长。

弗兰克·菲格鲁兹(Frank Figliuzzi)联邦调查局
联邦调查局反情报部门前助理主任弗兰克·菲格里兹(Frank Figliuzzi)。联邦调查局


       “我相信朱利安尼(Daniel Giuliani)致力于执法工作,曾是美国检察官,助理检察长,我不认为这个人开始腐败。但是您刚才提到的这些人[巴尔,麦康奈尔,朱利安尼等等] ,在某些时候,他们失去了核心价值观。




       President Donald Trump is a threat to U.S. democracy and a man who abuses power and behaves as though he is king, a former top FBI official has said.

       Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, made the comments on The Mike Lupica Podcast on Thursday while trying to sound the alarm about the current state of affairs.

       He said that in no time in history has a president so brazenly dismissed the other branches of U.S. government—by repeatedly ignoring subpoena requests required for oversight, for example—and that the House and Senate have more than enough evidence to impeach.

       "We have a supreme executive president who thinks he's a king.""We don't have three branches of equal government right now," Figliuzzi said.

       Figliuzzi's comments follow the sending of an eight-page letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi by White House counsel Pat Cipollone, informing Pelosi that the White House will not cooperate with impeachment proceedings.

       The former FBI special agent said such attacks on U.S. democracy must not be accepted, adding that the alternative would leave the country irrevocably changed.

       "We are that proverbial frog in the simmering pot of water," Figliuzzi said. "We don't necessarily understand that this pot is heating up to the point that is going to kill us, in this case kill our democracy or at least our form of democracy.

       "The temperature is approaching the boiling point with regard to our democracy and we either lower the temperature or jump out of the pot. The way this is headed is that we're either going to have another president soon or we are going to have another form of democracy. We are literally watching our democracy change in front of our eyes."

President Donald Trump medal of freedom ceremony
President Donald Trump listens during a Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony on Tuesday. Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, said he believes Trump is a threat to American democracy.

       Figliuzzi also spoke about a number of Trump allies, appointees and associates—such as Attorney General William Barr, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani—stating that he believes they did not start out as corrupt individuals, but became corrupted by excessive power and the lack of accountability.

       "I'm a student of leadership and I spent a portion of my career in the FBI in internal affairs and the office of professional responsibility," Figliuzzi said. "I was ultimately appointed the chief inspector of the FBI.

Frank Figliuzzi FBI
Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI.FBI

       "So I studied this concept of when decent people go south in terms of integrity and ethics, and whether they even had those ethics to begin with.

       "I believe that Giuliani, who devoted his career to law enforcement, who was a U.S. attorney, assistant attorney general, I don't think this guy started out corrupt. But these people you just mentioned [Barr, McConnell, Giuliani among others], at some point, they lose their core values.

       "The foundation and principles just erode and I'm fascinated by the process in which that occurs.

       "Power does corrupt. No question. Ego, powers are killers and you've got to have people around you that you're accountable to and there's no accountability [in this government]."






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