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2019-09-24 11:50   美国新闻网   - 



       律师联盟代表着两个移民倡导团体,即Centro Presente和先锋谷工人中心,他们共同声称特朗普政府新的驱逐权扩展侵犯了其客户的正当程序权。

       1960年代在民权运动期间成立的民权律师组织报告说,Centro Presente和先锋谷工人中心的成千上万名成员都受到这些法律扩展的影响,尽管他们没有报告说这些成员是否曾是从该国撤离。

       公民权利律师执行董事伊万·埃斯皮诺萨·马德里加尔(IvánEspinoza-Madrigal)在向《公民权利律师》网站发布的新闻稿中说:“快速撤离计划的大规模扩张使我们所有社区陷入危险,并引发了不必要的恐惧。” “我们是一个国家,正当程序权利至高无上,我们将为居住在这里的每个人争取保护这些权利。”


       Centro Presente执行董事帕特里夏·蒙特斯(Patricia Montes)补充说:“人们正在逃离危险的环境,并艰难地来到美国。我们的政府随后试图立即将人们送回那些危险的环境,这是可耻的。”



       它说:“诉讼旨在恢复现状,并确保对移民和移民社区的基本保护。” “在今天的诉讼中受到挑战的规则试图大幅扩展该计划,以涵盖美国两年内不能证明居留权的任何移民,使所有此类个人面临被立即驱逐出境的风险,而没有提供任何保护措施在正常的移民过程中。”




       Lawyers for Civil Rights, a Boston-based committee of lawyers, has filed suit in a federal Washington, D.C. court on Monday.

       The union of lawyers represents two immigrant advocacy groups, Centro Presente and the Pioneer Valley Workers Center, who join together to claim that the Trump Administration's new expansion of deportation powers are a violation of their clients' due process rights.

       Lawyers for Civil Rights, established in the 1960s during the civil rights movement, reported that thousands of members of both Centro Presente and the Pioneer Valley Workers Center have been affected by the expansion of these laws, though they did not report if those members had been removed from the country.

       "The massive expansion of the expedited removal program puts all of our communities in jeopardy and stokes unnecessary fear," said Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, executive director of Lawyers for Civil Rights, in a press release posted to Lawyers for Civil Rights' website. "We are a country where due process rights are paramount, and we will fight to protect those rights for everyone residing here."

A stock photo of a judge with a gavel and briefs. Massachusetts group Lawyers for Civil Rights filed suit against the Trump Administration Monday, alleging that expansions of expedited removal are unconscionable.

       Added Patricia Montes, executive director of Centro Presente, "people are fleeing dangerous conditions and making a harrowing journey to come to the United States. It is shameful that our government would then seek to immediately remove people back to those dangerous conditions."

       The Trump administration expanded powers for immigration officers in July, specifically their ability to apply "expedited removal" powers to any migrants who have been in the country for less than two years. Before July, these powers only applied to those caught near the U.S. border or in the country for less than two weeks.

       Lawyers for Civil Rights calls these expansions "unconscionable" in their press release Monday.

       "The lawsuit seeks to restore the status quo and ensure basic protections for immigrants and immigrant communities," it said. "The rule being challenged in today's lawsuit seeks to dramatically expand the program to cover any immigrant in the United States who cannot prove residency for over two years, placing all such individuals at risk of immediate removal from the country, without any of the protections afforded in the normal immigration process."

       The New York City-based American Civil Liberties Union has filed a similar lawsuit on behalf of Texas, New York and Florida groups in August, just after the expansion took effect. That case continues to pend as the Massachusetts case goes into motion.

       You may read the full complaint here.






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