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2019-09-23 14:09   美国新闻网   - 


       民主党总统候选人安德鲁·杨(Andrew Yang)的一名前雇员声称,这位企业家因转嫁而被政客开除了。

       考试准备公司Manhattan GMAT的前雇员金伯利·沃特金斯(Kimberly Watkins)在周五由哥谭宪报(Gotham Gazette)发表的一篇文章中提出了这一要求。在文章中,她解释说,杨继任公司总裁后,就提拔了她。根据事件的形式,她表现良好,并“实现了全部目标”。

       沃特金斯写道:“那么,让我感到惊讶的是,在2007年度蜜月后的第三天,我再次上班,安德鲁·杨解雇了我。” “在安德鲁关门的办公室里,我们的私人讨论始于安德鲁的言论,因为我已婚,所以我不想像以前那样继续努力。作为妻子,我将专注于自己的工作。新生活。”

民主党总统候选人杨念祖民主波尔克县牛排煎期间9月21日在爱荷华州Des Moines说


       “金伯利·沃特金斯(Kinmberly Watkins)关于她从曼哈顿大学预科学院毕业的事实是不准确的。在我担任首席执行官的十多年中,我与许多已婚或未婚的女性一起工作,并将她们的工作和奉献精神视为任何机构成功的重要条件。”总统候选人说。

       他继续说:“如果我是那种能做沃特金斯女士所描述的那种事情的领导者,我将永远不会获得成功的希望。” “女性领导人对于任何公司或组织都至关重要,我很幸运并很高兴能与他们中的许多人一起工作。”



       沃特金斯星期四在纽约举行的关于薪酬平等的公开听证会上说:“他不公正地对待我,在经济上侵犯了我。” 她还告诉赫夫邮报(Huff Post),杨的否认是“显然是错误的”。

       她说:“我没有关于降低绩效的档案。我达到了公司曾经为我设定的每一个收入标准。” “所以称我为说谎者是完全错误的。我说的是实话。”


       他在七月举行的民主党总统辩论中说: “我们必须赋予妇女经济上的自由,以便能够改善自身状况并开展业务。” “我们知道,妇女在我们社会中从事着许多未被承认和无偿的工作。除非我们进行改变,否则它不会改变。”

       根据 Real Clear Politics进行的全国民意调查的平均值,杨在目前的民主党总统提名竞选中排名第七。他的平均投票率为3%,仅次于新泽西州参议员Cory Booker的平均投票率(2.8%),仅次于德克萨斯州前代表贝托·奥罗克(Beto O'Rourke)的3.2%。前副总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)仍然以30.2%的平均率领跑全省,马萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)则以19.8%落后。


       Aformer employee of Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang claimed the entrepreneur turned politician fired her because she got married.

       Kimberly Watkins, a former employee of Manhattan GMAT, a test preparation company, made the claim in an essay published by Gotham Gazette on Friday. In the article, she explained that after Yang took over as president of the company, he promoted her. According to her version of events, she performed well and "hit all" of her "growth targets."

       "Imagine my surprise, then, that on the third day that I was back to work after my honeymoon in 2007, Andrew Yang fired me," Watkins wrote. "Our private discussion, in his office with the door closed, began with Andrew's remarks that because I was married, I wouldn't want to continue working as hard as I had been. That as a wife, I'd be focused on my new life."

Andrew Yang
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang speaks during the Democratic Polk County Steak Fry on September 21 in Des Moines, Iowa

       Newsweek reached out to Yang's presidential campaign's press team for comment. That request was not immediately returned, but Yang previously told Huff Post that Watkins' claim was "inaccurate."

       "Kimberly Watkins' facts about her break from Manhattan Prep are inaccurate. During my more than a decade as CEO, I have worked with many women, married and otherwise, and value their work and dedication as important to the success of any institution," the presidential candidate said.

       "If I were the kind of leader who would do the sort of thing described by Ms. Watkins I would never enjoy a whiff of success," he continued. "Women leaders are vital to any company or organization and I have been very fortunate and grateful to have worked with many of them in my career."

       Watkins went on to claim in her article that she "didn't even realize at the time how unethical" Yang's alleged reason for firing her was.

       "Andrew must have calculated that I would work less, travel less, put in fewer hours as a married woman, yet still earn my six-figure bonuses. He had seen how seamlessly my staff had performed while I was on my honeymoon. He probably thought that they would do the work cheaper," she wrote.

       Speaking at a public hearing on pay equity in New York on Thursday, Watkins also said: "He treated me unjustly and he violated me economically." She also told Huff Post that Yang's denial was "just patently false."

       "I had nothing in my file about lowered performance. I met every single revenue mark that was ever set for me at the company," she said. "So it is simply false to call me a liar. l am telling the truth."

       On the campaign trail, Yang has publicly addressed treating women fairly in the workplace.

       "We have to give women the economic freedom to be able to improve their own situations and start businesses," he said during the Democratic presidential debate back in July. "We know that women do more of the unrecognized and uncompensated work in our society. It will not change unless we change it."

       Yang is currently ranked seventh in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to an average of national polls by Real Clear Politics. He has polled at an average of 3 percent, just ahead of Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, who is polling at an average of 2.8 percent, and just behind former Representative Beto O'Rourke of Texas, at 3.2 percent. Former Vice President Joe Biden still leads the pack, with an average of 30.2 percent, trailed by Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts at 19.8 percent.






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