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2019-09-22 13:07   美国新闻网   - 


      科罗拉多广播电台的名人Randy Corporon周六在Aurora移民和海关执法处理中心外的某个地方上台,这是自劳动节以来在该地点举行的第二次“有ICE站”集会。保守派人物米歇尔·马尔金(Michelle Malkin)在《潜望镜》上发表了Corporon的言论,后者还协助组织和宣传了这次活动。

      在发出“我们为执法部门的男女,ICE的男人和女人”站起来后,在人群中欢呼雀跃,Corporon成为作者和福克斯新闻撰稿人Mark Levin 的轶事,后者提供了在最近的一次健康恐慌中为Corporon的父亲提供支持。

      然而,Corporon对列文的同情心的赞赏并没有超出他父亲的范围,因为他的言论很快转移到了最近的保守胜利上,包括最高法院的一项“ 8-1”裁定,维持 了特朗普政府的移民政策,反对来自下层的袭击法院法官,然后是Ruth Bader Ginsburg大法官最近患病。


      “我的意思是,真的,如果您是美国历史上最自由的法官之一,并且您曾在这个巅峰时期,您将成为一名最高法院大法官,而且您知道自己的日子已经过去了-我的意思是,谁知道她能做到多长时间,但她不舒服-我认为她是什么,第四阶段的胰腺癌是最后一轮。她知道她的日子已经过去了-如果您看到唐纳德·特朗普在边境上正在做什么,正在努力使政府摆脱我们的医疗保健……只是一事接一事。如果您是一位超级自由主义的最高法院大法官,您会不会想永远活下去?” 科珀隆要求从人群中笑出来。


美国最高法院助理大法官露丝·巴德·金斯堡(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)于2019年7月2日在华盛顿特区的乔治敦大学法律中心参加讨论。金斯堡大法官今年早些时候接受了胰腺癌的治疗,周六在一次支持ICE的集会上,一位发言者乐观地表达了这一事实,渴望清除对特朗普总统行政权的其余检查。

      “但是那不是我们在这里的原因,对吗?” Corporon宣布病态切线结束。在那儿,他带领观众讲解了7月12日的一次集会,在此期间,反移民和海关执法抗议者大声侮辱并点燃了旗帜。

      反ICE激进分子再次计划在星期六举行抗议活动,以配合Corporon和Malkin的事件。Aurora警察将Aurora ICE处理中心的南侧指定为反ICE示威者,而支持ICE的团体则被要求留在私人拘留中心的北侧,以免发生对抗。



       Colorado radio personality Randy Corporon took the stage Saturday in a field outside the Aurora Immigration and Customs Enforcement Processing Center, to open the second "Stand with ICE" rally at that location since Labor Day. Corporon's remarks were streamed on Periscope by conservative personality Michelle Malkin, who also helped organize and promote the event.

       After delivering the line "We are standing up for the men and women of law enforcement, the men and women of ICE," to cheers from the crowd, Corporon segued into an anecdote about author and Fox News contributor Mark Levin, who offered words of support for Corporon's father during a recent health scare.

       Corporon's appreciation for Levin's compassion did not extend much further than his own father, however, as his remarks quickly moved on to recent conservative victories—including an "8-1" ruling by the Supreme Court upholding a Trump administration immigration policy against attacks from lower court judges—and then to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's recent illness.

       "That is one tough lady though, you've got to give her a great deal of credit for hanging in there," Corporon began, naming Ginsburg as the one dissenting justice in the case. Ginsburg, 86, underwent radiation for a tumor on her pancreas this summer.

       "I mean, really, if you were one of the most liberal justices in the history of the United States and you were at this pinnacle, you know, a Supreme Court Justice, and you knew that your days are numbered—I mean, who knows how long she could make it, but she's not well—she's, what, Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, I think, was the last round. She knows her days are numbered—and if you saw what Donald Trump is doing on the border, is trying to do to get government out of our health care...just thing after thing after thing. If you were that one super liberal Supreme Court justice, wouldn't you be trying to live forever?" Corporon asked to chuckles from the crowd.

       "I mean, she's really gotta try and hang on, because that court is really going to move the right direction—back toward the Constitution if she has to step down..." Corporon continued, the end of his remarks drowned out by cheers from the audience.

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg participates in a discussion at Georgetown University Law Center July 2, 2019 in Washington, DC. Justice Ginsburg underwent treatment for pancreatic cancer earlier this year, a fact expressed optimistically by a speaker at a pro-ICE rally Saturday eager to clear the remaining checks on President Trump's executive power.

       "But that's not why we're here, is it?" Corporon announced at the end of his morbid tangent. From there, he walked the audience through an account of a July 12 rally, during which anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement protesters shouted insults and lit a flag on fire.

       Once again, anti-ICE activists scheduled a protest Saturday to coincide with Corporon and Malkin's event. Aurora police designated the south side of the Aurora ICE Processing Center for anti-ICE protesters, while the pro-ICE group was asked to keep to the north side of the privately run detention center to avoid confrontations.

GEO ICE Processing Center
The GEO Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Processing Center is seen outside outside of Denver, Colorado on July 14, 2019. The center simultaneously hosted a pro-ICE rally and an anti-ICE protest Saturday.






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