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2019-09-19 13:12   美国新闻网   - 


       加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)周三签署了一项法案,将Postmates和Lyft司机等当地工人分组为他们工作的公司的雇员,而不是独立的承包商,这是一项旨在打击工人错误分类的具有里程碑意义的举措。


       纽约公司在向ABC10新闻发布的一份声明中写道:“我们中产阶级的空洞已经持续了40年,为我们的员工创造持久的经济保障需要采取行动。” “议案第5号议案是重要的一步。下一步是为更多工人组建工会创造途径,共同讨价还价以赚取更多工作,并在工作中发出更强有力的声音。”

Gavin Newsom希望这项新法案能够帮助重建加州的工人阶级。

       由女议员Lorena Gonzalez撰写的法律AB 5旨在进一步编纂加州州最高法院2018年在Dynamex Operations West Inc.诉洛杉矶高等法院的判决所执行的工人保护。


       “今天,我们正在破坏现状,向前迈出一大步,重建我们的中产阶级,重塑我们所知道的工人的未来,”Lorena Gonzalez告诉ABC10。“作为世界上最强大的经济体之一,加利福尼亚州正在为其他州和国家制定全球工人保护标准。”

       圣地亚哥立法机构在AB 5的同时投票支持法案AB 170,成为法律.AB 170将为报纸承运人和签订合同的出版商提供AB 5的一年免税。州长纽瑟姆尚未将该法案签署为法律。

       AB 5还将保证前独立承包商享有与全职员工相同的权利,例如失业保险,加班费,与同事一起工会的能力以及获得医疗补贴的机会。

       然而,根据这项新法律,许多专业 - 如美容师,商业渔民和房地产经纪人 - 可免于重新分类。

       优步的首席法律官托尼·韦斯特(Tony West)在一篇博文中回复了这一决定。



       In a landmark move aiming to combat worker misclassification, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law Wednesday that will group local workers such as Postmates and Lyft drivers as employees of the companies for which they work and not independent contractors.

       One in 10 Californians work as independent contractors for a gig-based job. Of those workers, 48 percent live below the poverty line, according to a study by the Public Religion Research Institute. This is a statistic that Newsom has been fighting against since taking office.

       "The hollowing out of our middle class has been 40 years in the making, and the need to create lasting economic security for our workforce demands action," Newsom wrote in a statement released to ABC10 News. "Assembly Bill 5 is an important step. A next step is creating pathways for more workers to form a union, collectively bargain to earn more and have a stronger voice at work."

gavin newsom
Gavin Newsom hopes this new bill will help reestablish California's working class.

       The law, AB 5, written by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, seeks to further codify worker protections as enforced by the California State Supreme Court's 2018 decision in Dynamex Operations West Inc. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles.

       This law requires all businesses to apply an "ABC test" to employees that qualify as independent contractors. According to the law, if employees are free from direct employer control or direct employer direction, are engaged in an independent trade and their work takes place outside the base business' normal scope of operations, then they qualify as independent contractors. If not, they are employees.

       "Today, we are disrupting the status quo and taking a bold step forward to rebuild our middle class and reshape the future of workers as we know it," Lorena Gonzalez told ABC10. "As one of the strongest economies in the world, California is now setting the global standard for worker protections for other states and countries to follow."

       The San Diego legislature voted a companion bill, AB 170, into law at the same time as AB 5. AB 170 would offer a one year exemption from AB 5 for newspaper carriers and publishers who are under contract. Governor Newsom has not yet signed this bill into law.

       AB 5 will also guarantee former independent contractors the same rights as full-time employees, such as unemployment insurance, overtime pay, the ability to unionize with fellow workers and the opportunity to access health care subsidies.

       However, a number of professions — such as cosmetologists, commercial fishermen and real estate agents — are exempt from reclassification under this new law.

       Uber's chief legal officer, Tony West, replied to the decision in a blog post.

       "At Uber we embrace the challenge to improve work for drivers. But we will continue to defend our ability to enable on-demand, independent work," West said. He also stated that Uber should be exempt from the law because "drivers' work [falls] outside the usual course of Uber's business."






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