本周是“全国传粉昆虫周”,也是我们认识到传粉昆虫在自然界和我们的食物供应中所发挥的重要角色的时候。副总统夫人凯伦·彭斯(Karen Pence)正在副总统官邸庆祝,在本视频中,她分享了我们如何照顾并帮助我们的蜜蜂的更多信息。#传粉昆虫周
This week is National Pollinator Week and a time to recognize the important role pollinators play in nature and our food supply! Second Lady Karen Pence is celebrating at the Vice President’s Residence and in this video she shares more on how we take care of and support our bees. #PollinatorWeek