上周六,SportsFix在新加坡举行的第9届ICO比赛中获得冠军,成功被纳入精英公司组织。“2018亚洲代币议程”自2014年以来就开始把区块链、加密货币投资者、创业公司和ICO连接到一块,拥有世界级的投资者和发言人,并推动顶尖ICO和区块链公司的发展。“亚洲代币议程”ICO竞赛的历届获奖者包括Cashbet,Omega One,Qtum等。
获奖后,SportsFix的首席执行官Carl Kirchhoff表示:“我们很高兴能够成为ICO精英组的成员”,“我们为复杂的体育内容分发系统提供了独特的解决方案,因为我们允许全球的球迷掌握自己喜爱的体育运动,这是一个价值450亿美元的行业。”

sportfix 北京发布会晚宴

从左至右: ICO Bench资深顾问Jason Hung ;SportFix创始人Marcus luer ;多伦多网上电视主持人kathryn Zhao
SportFix联合创始人在媒体行业拥有超过50年的工作经验,专注于OTT流媒体平台、内容获取、内容分发和粉丝互动领域的专业知识。还吸引了包括Richard Kastelein和Jason Hung在内的区块链顾问团队,还有Michael Payne和Phil Lines这两位顶尖的体育营销和媒体专家的加盟。他们聚集在一起,渴望彻底改变破碎的体育媒体生态系统。
SportsFix Wins Best ICO Pitch Competition at Coin Agenda Asia 2018
SportsFix joins an elite group of winners
New York, NY - June 25, 2018 - SportsFix, a decentralized over the top (OTT) sports mobile-centric live streaming platform, announced today that they won the ICO competition at CoinAgenda Asia 2018 in Singapore.
CoinAgenda in Asia awarded SportsFix the winner of its 9th ICO Competition in Singapore on Saturday, pulling SportsFix into a truly elite mix of companies. CoinAgenda is a premier conference that connects blockchain and cryptocurrency investors with a startup and ICO opportunities since 2014. CoinAgenda featured world-class investors and speakers and showcased elite ICO and blockchain companies. Past winners of the ICO competition include Cashbet, Omega One, Qtum and more.
“We are thrilled to be named in an elite group of ICO’s, many of which have collectively raised over 500 million dollars in its ICOs. We feel this is a great fit for use and shows investors what SportsFix is capable of raising,” said Carl Kirchhoff, CEO of SportsFix and presenter at the CoinAgenda competition this past weekend. “We offer a unique answer to the convoluted sports content distribution system, in that we are allowing fans globally to be in charge of their sports, a 450 billion dollars plus industry.”
About SportsFix:
Sportsfix is a new mobile device-centric LIVE streaming OTT platform for sports fans in ASEAN. We are sports fanatics, and our goal is to deliver the most exciting and engaging experience to sports fans via mobile and internet. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysia, our seasoned team of sports, media and telecommunication expert’s partners with Telco Operators and other groups in the region to bring LIVE Football, Basketball, Cricket, MMA and other sports to fans in high quality for an affordable price. Their tagline is "Live is Life."
SportsFix aims to expand its offerings in three phases. In its current stage, SportsFix is a rapidly growing OTT business in Asia streaming local and international sports events to millions of fans every week and on track to become one of the most valuable video streaming platforms in the region. In phase two - starting with issuing the SF Tokens (SFT) which allows fans to participate and engage with their favorite leagues and clubs using SFT as a digital currency for transactions on the blockchain. In Phase three, SF aims to issue security tokens that provide fans a de facto fractional ownership of the content allowing fans to own a small piece of “their” team with dividends paid in the form of SF Tokens. The security of smart contracts, full transparency of transactions and the decentralized nature of a token based on the Ethereum blockchain will allow sports fans worldwide to take part in the emergence of a revolutionary ecosystem for sports content.
For more information on SportsFix, visit: www.sportsfix.tv