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2021-02-06 13:46   美国新闻网   - 




白宫新闻秘书珍·普萨基(Jen Psaki)本周早些时候表示,向特朗普提供情报简报的问题“正在审查中”。


苏珊·戈登(Susan Gordon)在上个月的《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)专栏文章中敦促拜登与特朗普断绝关系。她曾在2017年至2019年特朗普政府期间担任国家情报局首席副局长。





众议院情报委员会主席、众议员亚当·希夫(Adam Schiff)也敦促拜登停止为特朗普举行简报会。


Biden says 'erratic' Trump shouldn't get intel briefings

Asked in an interview with CBS News what he feared if Trump continued to receive the briefings, Biden said he did not want to “speculate out loud” but made clear he did not want Trump to continue getting them.

“I just think that there is no need for him to have the intelligence briefings,” Biden said. “What value is giving him an intelligence briefing? What impact does he have at all, other than the fact he might slip and say something?”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said earlier this week that the issue of granting Trump intelligence briefings was “something that is under review.”

Some Democratic lawmakers, and even some former Trump administration officials, have questioned the wisdom of allowing Trump to continue to be briefed.

Susan Gordon, who served as the principal deputy director of national intelligence during the Trump administration from 2017 to 2019, in a Washington Post op-ed last month urged Biden to cut off Trump.

Whether to give a past president intelligence briefings is solely the current officeholder’s prerogative. Biden voiced his opposition to giving Trump access to briefings as the former president's second impeachment trial is set to begin next week.

Biden, however, said Friday that his hesitance to allow Trump access to the briefing was due to the former president’s “erratic behavior unrelated to the insurrection.”

Gordon also raised concerns about Trump’s business entanglements. The real estate tycoon saw his business founder during his four years in Washington and is weighed down by significant debt, reportedly about $400 million. Trump during the campaign called his debt load a “peanut” and said he did not owe any money to Russia.

“Trump has significant business entanglements that involve foreign entities,” Gordon wrote. “Many of these current business relationships are in parts of the world that are vulnerable to intelligence services from other nation-states.”

Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, also urged Biden to cut off briefings for Trump.

“There’s no circumstance in which this president should get another intelligence briefing,” Schiff said shortly before Trump ended his term last month. “I don’t think he can be trusted with it now, and in the future.”







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