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2021-01-21 11:43   美国新闻网   - 





PHOTO: Albert Pirro and his wife, Westchester County District Attorney  Jeanine Pirro, leave court in White Plains, N.Y., June 19, 2000.






珍妮·皮罗(Jeanine Pirro)周六晚间的广播已经成为特朗普的忠实者公布被揭穿的选举欺诈阴谋的场所,她在特朗普现在不活跃的推特页面上经常被大声疾呼。

Trump issues last-minute pardon to ex-husband of Fox News' Jeanine Pirro

With less than an hour before his term ended, PresidentDonald Trumpon Wednesday granted one final pardon to Albert Pirro, a longtime New York businessman and the ex-husband of Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro, one of Trump’s staunchest cable news supporters.

What was possibly Trump’s final act as president reflected a recurring theme in his final months in office: delivering clemencies to scores of personal friends and political allies.

The decision to pardon Pirro came less than 12 hours after what was thought to be afinal batchof 143 pardons and commutations -- a list that included Steve Bannon, Trump's former chief strategist.

Pirro, 73, wasconvicted nearly two decades agoon 34 counts of conspiracy and tax evasion after he was found to have improperly deducted over $1 million in lavish personal expenses as a tax write-off for his business.

The New York Times reported after his trial that prosecutors characterized Pirro’s lust for money as being comparable to Richard Nixon’slust for power.

For Trump, Pirro’s pardon was the last entry on a list of supporters who benefitted from the sweeping presidential clemency powers.

Campaign finance records show Pirro donated roughly $2,000 to the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign in 2020.

Jeanine Pirro, whose Saturday evening broadcast has become a venue for Trump loyalists to promulgate debunked election fraud conspiracies, earned frequent shout-outs on Trump’s now-inactive Twitter page.






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