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布雷特•吉罗尔将军(Brett Giroir) 星期五,美国报告了249,709例新的COVID-19病例,创历史新高。

2020-12-21 21:52   美国新闻网   - 

卫生部助理部长布雷特·吉罗里(Brett Giroir)表示,他将鼓励唐纳德·特朗普总统在美国广播公司的“本周”星期日接受COVID-19疫苗。


他补充说:“再次,我们完全有理由相信,这两种疫苗都是非常有效且安全的疫苗。” “所以,你知道,我鼓励总统为自己的健康和安全买疫苗,并在密切关注他的人们之间建立更大的信心。”
副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)于周五公开接受了疫苗接种,而众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)也收到了疫苗,并在其社交媒体帐户上分享了照片。彭斯办公室的一位官员告诉美国广播公司新闻,白宫医师表示,保护副总统的健康是确保政府连续性的一种方式。

白宫新闻秘书麦凯尼(Kayleigh McEnany)周二在新闻发布会上特朗普愿意接受这种疫苗,但疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)建议接受单克隆抗体鸡尾酒疗法的人等90天,该疗法要在总统10月份做。在接种疫苗之前。麦肯尼说,总统还希望优先考虑一线工人和长期护理机构中的工人。


图片:布雷特·吉罗里(Brett Giroir)将军宣布推进2019年12月18日在塔拉哈西的加拿大药品进口计划的计划。



他说:“ 11月有一些初步的预测,甚至在我们没有批准任何疫苗的情况下就已经有了,” “本周的具体预测是在上周二给出的。这些都在按计划进行。”




他说:“我们将绝对仔细地观看这些节目。” “他们得到了立即报告。如果...建议中有任何变化,它们就会出来。疾病预防控制中心昨晚更新了他们的建议,只是为了确保,如果您对任何疫苗有过敏反应,您可能不应该拿这个。”

他补充说:“它被广泛推荐给每个人,因为我们知道它在预防严重疾病方面有95%的有效性,甚至高达100%的有效性。” “这就是我们通过使70%或80%的美国人接种疫苗来结束大流行的方式。”

进入假期周​​,全国范围内的大流行继续蔓延。根据约翰·霍普金斯大学(John Hopkins University)的数据,截至周五,美国报告了249,709例新的COVID-19病例,这是创纪录的数字。根据COVID跟踪项目的数据,截至周六晚上,有113,000多人因COVID-19住院治疗。


他对斯蒂芬诺普洛斯说:“成千上万美国人的生活取决于我们做什么。乔治,你知道该怎么做。” “当您在公共场所时,要戴着口罩,身体疏远,要洗手。如果您要参加度假聚会,请安全地进行。请尽量将它们限制在您的直系亲属中。”

他补充说:“如果我们在出疫苗之前就做这些事情,我们可以平整曲线并挽救成千上万人的生命。” “当我们拿出疫苗时,大流行将结束。这不是永远的,但是我们有很多工作要做,或者甚至会是一个更加黑暗的冬天。”


"I think leadership like the vice president, the surgeon general ... should get vaccines because they will inspire confidence -- with the people who believe in them and trust them," Giroir told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos.

"And again, we have every reason to believe that this vaccine, these two vaccines, are very effective and they are safe," he added. "So, you know, I would encourage the president to get a vaccine for his own health and safety and also to generate more confidence among the people who follow him so closely."
Vice President Mike Pence was vaccinated publicly on Friday, while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also received the vaccine, sharing photos on their social media accounts. The White House physician said protecting the vice president's health was a way of ensuring continuity of government, an official in Pence's office told ABC News.

Trump is open to taking the vaccine, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said at a press briefing Tuesday, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who receive the monoclonal antibody cocktail treatment, which the president did in October, wait 90 days before getting vaccinated. The president also wanted to prioritize front-line workers and those in long-term care facilities, McEnany said.

President-elect Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden are expected to be vaccinated Monday.

One Friday, the Food and Drug Administration authorized a second vaccine from Moderna, and distribution of the vaccine began Sunday morning.

Despite the availability of two vaccines, Stephanopoulos pressed Giroir on allegations that vaccine doses were cut which Giroir responded to by saying that states are now "squared away."

"There were some initial projections in November, that was even before we had any vaccine authorized much less two authorized," he said. "The specific projections for this week were given on Tuesday of last week. And those are on track."
Giroir added that a third vaccine produced by Janssen, the pharmaceutical company owned by Johnson & Johnson, is expected to be submitted for authorization in January.

"We are very confident that, by June, anyone in America who wants to have a vaccine will have that opportunity to have a vaccine," he said.

Stephanopoulos also asked Giroir about recent reports of allergic reactions. As of Friday night, six people have had allergic reactions to the vaccine, the CDC said Saturday according to the Associated Press, including one person who has a history of vaccination reactions.

Giroir said adverse effects are immediately reported to the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC investigates them.

"We're going to watch these absolutely carefully," he said. "They're immediately reported. And if there's any change in the ... recommendations, they will come out. The CDC updated their recommendations last night, just to be sure that, if you have an allergic reaction to any vaccine, you probably shouldn't take this one."

"It's widely recommended for everyone because we know it's 95% effective, as much as 100% effective at preventing severe disease," he added. "And this is the way we end the pandemic, by getting 70% or 80% of the American people vaccinated."

The pandemic continues to surge nationwide heading into the holiday week. The U.S. reported, 249,709 new cases of COVID-19 as of Friday, a record number, according to data from John Hopkins University. As of Saturday evening, there are more than 113,000 people hospitalized with COVID-19, according to data from the COVID Tracking Project.

Giroir said Sunday that although the end of the pandemic is in sight, Americans still have a lot of work to do.

"The lives of tens of thousands of Americans depend on what we do. And you know what to do, George," he said to Stephanopoulos. "It's wearing a mask when you're in public, physically distancing, washing your hands. If you're having holiday gatherings, please do them safely. Try to limit them to your immediate household."

"We can flatten the curve and save literally tens of thousands of lives if we do these things before we get the vaccine out," he added. "When we get the vaccine out, the pandemic is going to end. This is not forever, but we’ve got a lot of work to do, or it’s going to be even a darker winter."

"I think leadership like the vice president, the surgeon general ... should get vaccines because they will inspire confidence -- with the people who believe in them and trust them," Giroir told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos.

"And again, we have every reason to believe that this vaccine, these two vaccines, are very effective and they are safe," he added. "So, you know, I would encourage the president to get a vaccine for his own health and safety and also to generate more confidence among the people who follow him so closely."
Vice President Mike Pence was vaccinated publicly on Friday, while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also received the vaccine, sharing photos on their social media accounts. The White House physician said protecting the vice president's health was a way of ensuring continuity of government, an official in Pence's office told ABC News.

Trump is open to taking the vaccine, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said at a press briefing Tuesday, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who receive the monoclonal antibody cocktail treatment, which the president did in October, wait 90 days before getting vaccinated. The president also wanted to prioritize front-line workers and those in long-term care facilities, McEnany said.

President-elect Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden are expected to be vaccinated Monday.

Despite the availability of two vaccines, Stephanopoulos pressed Giroir on allegations that vaccine doses were cut which Giroir responded to by saying that states are now "squared away."

"There were some initial projections in November, that was even before we had any vaccine authorized much less two authorized," he said. "The specific projections for this week were given on Tuesday of last week. And those are on track."
Giroir added that a third vaccine produced by Janssen, the pharmaceutical company owned by Johnson & Johnson, is expected to be submitted for authorization in January.

"We are very confident that, by June, anyone in America who wants to have a vaccine will have that opportunity to have a vaccine," he said.

Stephanopoulos also asked Giroir about recent reports of allergic reactions. As of Friday night, six people have had allergic reactions to the vaccine, the CDC said Saturday according to the Associated Press, including one person who has a history of vaccination reactions.

Giroir said adverse effects are immediately reported to the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC investigates them.

"We're going to watch these absolutely carefully," he said. "They're immediately reported. And if there's any change in the ... recommendations, they will come out. The CDC updated their recommendations last night, just to be sure that, if you have an allergic reaction to any vaccine, you probably shouldn't take this one."

"It's widely recommended for everyone because we know it's 95% effective, as much as 100% effective at preventing severe disease," he added. "And this is the way we end the pandemic, by getting 70% or 80% of the American people vaccinated."

The pandemic continues to surge nationwide heading into the holiday week. The U.S. reported, 249,709 new cases of COVID-19 as of Friday, a record number, according to data from John Hopkins University. As of Saturday evening, there are more than 113,000 people hospitalized with COVID-19, according to data from the COVID Tracking Project.

Giroir said Sunday that although the end of the pandemic is in sight, Americans still have a lot of work to do.

"The lives of tens of thousands of Americans depend on what we do. And you know what to do, George," he said to Stephanopoulos. "It's wearing a mask when you're in public, physically distancing, washing your hands. If you're having holiday gatherings, please do them safely. Try to limit them to your immediate household."

"We can flatten the curve and save literally tens of thousands of lives if we do these things before we get the vaccine out," he added. "When we get the vaccine out, the pandemic is going to end. This is not forever, but we’ve got a lot of work to do, or it’s going to be even a darker winter."


上一篇:被解雇的律师西德尼·鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)回来了,建议特朗普制定焦土课程




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